
I hate my birthdays?

by Guest11038  |  earlier

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My birthday is in a little over a month and I secretly want to just pretend its any other day.

I hate my birthdays. My mom has always been very mean to me on my birthday. She has cancelled all but two parties in my whole life. Last year, it was cancelled because my sister wouldn't stop screaming at me. My mom just didn't feel like having the party because there was too much noise (even though I was watching TV, doing nothing wrong) so like 3 hours before, I had to call everyone and say it was cancelled.

The other party I was forced to have at Pizza Hut. All everyone did was eat and go home. It wasn't even a party and I don't really like pizza. I was 12 or 13. Pizza Hut was my sisters choice on where to eat.

Now its my 16th birthday this year. I guess I have a few ideas on what to do but I would rather sit in my room all day.

Should I try to have a party or forget about it and maybe get a cake or something?




  1. It's your b-day, and your 16th at that you have to do something!!!  Even if all you do is hang with your friends it will be fun for you.  You could at least go to the mall, out to eat, and see a movie.  Hang at the beach with friends, if that's an option.  

    Or you could be like my boyfriend...when he was 6 or 7 he invited all his friends at school to his birthday party.  Only thing is his parents didn't know anything about this birthday party, so when kids started showing up they had to run out and get food, goody bags, cake, decorations!!!  He did this for a few years!!!  I guess he wanted to make sure he had a backup plan just in case.

  2. Try just telling your mom that you and a few friends are going to go ice skating... if there's one where you live... Its a fun activity to do even if you don't know how to ice skate its s fun challenge. Maybe one of your friends would surprise you and bring a cake, and sit down and eat it with you.

  3. hay you been very lucky, that you know your birhtday and do celebrate it.

    i will celebrate mine withmy first grand child, that is when am old. why cant you do the same if you hate your.

    i do things in my own way so am finding my mate to join my party

  4. Your turning 16 for heaven sake and you need a birthday party. If your mom cancels tell her about how shes making you feel by canceling your birthday!

  5. h**l, I wouldn't even want a party. I'd just ask for a car.

  6. Hi im 14 and if I was you,i will take my car and go to a dance,or go have fun anywere you want.Personaly i will go to the beach by myself and stay until night and then i will go to a party,like a dj or something.I cant wait to be 16 to get my car!!

    I understand how you feel but be strong!! you are you and no one will take your place,you can tell your mom how will she feel is when she waas little her parant will do the same thing to her,ask her?!!

    I hope she understands you

    good luck HAVE A HAPPY BIRHT DAY!!!!


  7. this sound troll-ish....

  8. If you'd rather sit in your room and stuff, I don't think you should even bother with a party.  They just seem to disappoint, and I'd rather do nothing than be disappointed.  

    Just get a cake and share it with family or something.

    I like quiet birthdays too. :]

  9. if your party is gonna suck i would rather do nothing

  10. maybe ur BFF cam though a party 4 u or something im turning 13 and im having a sleepover

  11. have a few friends over, watch a horror movie (chick flick) then have a sleepover, the next day go to the mall or swimming! thats what im doing for my 13th! It won't feel like a birthday party, just a get together with the girls.

    Good Luck♥

    Please Answer:

  12. You should try=you have absolutely zero chance of having fun if you sit in your room all day.

    Why don't you tell your mom that she has spoiled a lot of birthdays for you and explain what you put here and ask if she could make it up by letting you have a couple friends over? Explain that you want to have a special 16th.

    The worst she can do is say "NO" and then you can just go into your room and brainstorm or watch tv or whatever

    It's a pretty simple thing to ask.

  13. tell your moms shes a biiitch and hella stingy
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