
I hate my boss!! How about you?? Lets all vent!!

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this is a question - but quite a lot of ranting is incorporated, so i'll say sorry in advance.

What irritates you about your boss? Now's your chance to vent!

My boss is a complete prat. He storms around the office complaining and saying "I'm the manager!!, I'm the manager!!" but then he runs away squealing when ever something goes wrong and tries to blame everyone else. He always wants credit for reports I've worked hard on, when he's literally just glanced at them and made a couple of pedantic suggestions about formatting.

He has the communication and organisational skills of a demanding toddler. He asks me if i'm busy, to which I reply yes, then he just says "Are you? Well drop what you're doing and stuff some envelops and do a mail shot for me." The same goes when he wants a cup of tea or a jug of water.

He has such a power trip and always tries to use petty things against the rest of us to make us feel stupid or incompetent.

Even when he's on holiday, he doesn't trust us to get on with the tasks at hand - He actually phoned me from New Zealand just to make sure I remembered that I had to attend a meeting in his place!

The man's a clown, he just has to go!!




  1. Be happy!  It could be worse - you could be your own boss, like me.  Then when the I s***w up, ain't nobody else to blame!  Can you imagine what it's like to have to chew yourself out?  

  2. I loved my boss. I have never had a disagreement in 24 years of working for her and she always gives me time off when I want. (I am self employed!)  

  3. Well i'm a teen and i work it a cafe. Yesterday we got a 34 year old new employee. I've been there for 6 months now and just because he was older he started bossing me around and telling me what to do and when i politely asked him if he could wash up as my shift was over, he didn't do it  - so i ended up doing it and coming home late to angry parents. He's not my boss but ARGHH so frustrating. And whenever i drop a knife or something he's like 'Oh you teenagers all the f*cking same' GRR. And yesterday he smashed 3 plates and made up the crappy excuse that his hands were slippy from fairy liquid. :| What a loser.  


    Check out my blog at http://www.maplesyrupandrew23.wordpress....

  5. Bosses always takes credit for their downlines hardwork..

    I am an assistant accountant and i have done a forecast for the budget of 3 branches and it all went well, the budget is spot on against the actual expenditures... And the worse thing was, my Operations Accountant (my boss) takes credit for it by saying she has done the forecast...

    But when the directors and her had a meeting and asked her some questions about the forecast, she doesnt know how to answer... In the end she swallowed her pride, she confessed she did not do it, it me who did it (embarrassing isn't it?)...

    I ended up explaining and her sitting in one corner shaking and sweating.hahahaha....

  6. Go try and find another job. Then you might feel better about him.

  7. my boss is an old racist, sexist tw@t and I'm pretty sure he used to be a n**i!

  8. My boss is an arrogant ****** wanker , i'll ****** deck him next time he slabbers  

  9. i like my boss, he is the cooolest boss in teh world, i come late up2 1/2 every day, neve says a word,  but i do wish i got a raise

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