ok,first i lived in another country and my cousin lived in Amercia.when she came for vacation we were really nice to her and her family.but when i came to America to live here everything changed.she started getting jealous of mr and started copying everything i wore .when we were in America we were searching for home to live so we were supposed to live in their house for 20 days but believe me in that 20 days ,everyday she would cry and say that we are making her uncomfortable and that we are in her some kinda way.but we would lock in her room until she finishes her homework so we didn't interrupt her.or we would get out of the house as soon we could.now that we live in our own house she thinks that I'm having a competition everyday but I'm not.God i wish she just moved somewhere far,far,far away so i couldn't see her.and we fight like everytime we go to their house or they come to our house.