
I hate my elder sister for acting stupid in love. What to do?

by  |  earlier

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She's got this monkey English bf. How can she live with his insults? When he's angry, he call her unpleasant names. One time, he told me that I'm very childish, immature little girl with a bad personality. Same words he said to my brother. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. He's a real a s s h o l e. I just can't believe how my elder sister cries for him everyday! Plus he's got a cheeky face! How could he decide to stay-here-with-us for the holidays after all those craps he did (It's okay for mom for him to stay here). I don't care if they're engage. Honestly, I want to slap my sister for being S T U P I D. How could she stand with that kind of man? and torture herself smoke get drunk when they fight?This situation is getting into my nerves!

SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE! :) PS: don't tell me "cause she's inlove" If this happens to me (even if I'm deeply inlove with a guy) I'd rather die than a devil by my side!




  1. Sleep with him and show her he is the dog you know he is.

  2. She must like his bad treatment of her, or have very low self esteem.  If she marries him he will just get worse.

  3. To be honest, there's nothing you can do about your sister's relationship, because it's your sister's relationship. If she can't see that her boyfriend is being idiotic and a moron on her own, she's not going to listen to people   who tell her that he is. The only thing you can do is talk to your sister, tell her that you don't like how her bf doesn't respect her and the rest of the family and that no one deserves that. If she doesn't want to listen, then you've done your best, there's nothing else you can do.

  4. you cannot and will not stop her. the one thing you CAN and SHOULD do is learn from her mistake and make sure you are with a man who loves and RESPECTS you from day one.

  5. lol i agree  

  6. i would be pised if i was you why not show him the other side of your childish,immature,bad personality...stand up to him and show every1 how you see him as...this may be just like a videogame for him why hes already made it to your home base right and hes already won the hearts of your sisters and moms no telling who else..

    just be FRANK with him and stand tall for what you find troubleing to him just let him know how you feel no matter what or who it hurts cause it will not only show you being a straight-foward person but also a fighter for the 1s that seem handicapped in love

  7. The only thing you can do is let it go.  As much as it hurts you to see your sister going through this, there is absolutely nothing you can do. She isn't going to listen to your or anyone else.  They will break up someday and she'll look back and see that you were right about everything.

  8. You can't do anything, but love your sister uncoditionally not judge her.  Yes she may be making mistakes, but as her sister you are suppose to be in her corner.  

  9. I think the answer shes in love is totaly BBBBB SSSSSS!!!!! Unfortunatly though there isnt much at all you can do except hope she realizes that this guy is a total jerk. Be supportive of her in other areas of life. You might want to tell her that you dont like him and just because hes in her life doesnt mean he has to be in yours. This means you two dont get to talk about him the good or the bad and that if there is a function where you are both invited possibly not attending because he will be there. In a way you are kind of making her choose who she would rather have in her life but there isnt much else you can do. My sister has a bf life that. Hes thrown things at her, is a drunk, and had the police called on him more than once. They broke up but now they are talking about being married. We dont talk about him almost at all. When she does say something I just say "oh" or "ok". I know that she will ask me to be her Maid of honour but I already told her I wouldnt do it if shes marrying this guy. Ill go but I wont be in the wedding. You can fight it as much as you want but it could mean loosing your sister. Im sorry there isnt much else I can say. Hopefully she will realize she desrves a good man, not an a s s h o l e!!!!!

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