
I hate my family im almost 18 yrs old n treated like im 2 i wanna move out already

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Im a seventh day adventist i am not yt baptised but would like to be by the middle of next year... My brother is getting baptised today... But hes rubbing it in my face like oh if u was to die you would go to h**l.. my sister has a big attitude problem and my mother is so over protective my brother thinks hes so heavenly and godly... he goes 2 church but still curses up a storm n drinks... i need advice im tired of my family and my brother tryna make it seem like im going to h**l someone help me




  1. Real spiritual enlightenment comes with rising above false gods. I suggest broadening your spiritual conscience by reading and exploring your beliefs. Going to church really means nothing if the person is empty inside.

    May you find peace!

  2. You are on the right track, you need to live on your own and make your own choices and decisions. You don't need to be saved, you need to walk away from the nuts in your household. That will save you a lot of grief.  

  3. I'm not sure why you care about your brothers opinion whether you are going to h**l or not. What difference does it make to you? As long as you know you are doing the right thing, that is all that matters. Stop focusing on what he is doing and focus on yourself Your constant fixation on what your family is doing is destroying your spirit. Obviously, they do not have any peace in their life. You need to get control of yourself. You are going to be 18 soon and there are going to be a lot of things that people are going to say that will upset you. If he curses and so on, that is his problem, not yours. Ignore him and focus on yourself. Focus on your future!

    Also, if you feel the need to reply to them, just send them a letter stating how  their behavior is upsetting you. If they do not change, there is nothing you can do about it, but change yourself!

    Good Luck

  4. here we go

    if you are a follower of Jesus all you need is to believe he is who he said he is and will do as he said he would do as faith is the key to salvation

    baptism is to show the world that you have died to the world and are reborn in Christ

  5. i think your old enough to choose where you live

    like you can move in with an aunt or uncle,grandma and grandpa

    our old enough to i think so your legally old enough so why dont you start calling relatives and see what you can do

  6. Wel when you turn 18 you can do as you choose. and you can get yourself baptised.    

  7. You seem intelligent enough to realize that attending church and practicing certain religions is often a righteous attitude of 'holier than thou' mentality. Soon you will be on your own. Meanwhile study hard. Academics count and will get you a better job and a nice place where you can live BY YOURSELF!!! Im sorry for your current conditions but try to tune out because life can be a lot better as soon as you are on your own. Just focus on being the best you can be, detach from your rude siblings and do not act like they do

  8. you sound very responsible and mature for your age.

    like everyone said your on the right track.

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