
I hate my freakin mom!!?

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i wish my mom dies!!!she ruins everything for me!!!!!she embarrass me in front of my friends always and she's overprotective,i just wish she wasn't my mom!!!!!!

what should i do??

should i tell her how much i hate her??

or what?




  1. What in the world is wrong with you? Embarrassment in front of friends and overprotective friends is NO reason to even wish death on people- how old are you? I picture a silly little 13 year old having a tantrum. If your mom actually dies, you would be so screwed and you would eat your words. Dont you realize what she goes through just because she loves you? Now if you had better reasons to hate your mom, you still shouldnt wish death on people. Its not nice, and just flat out evil. If you tell her how much you "hate" her, then not only are you going to hurt her beyond anything, your going to end up hurting yourself and s******g yourself over. I would think more if I were you, honestly.

  2. Your lucky to have a mum that cares, id rather have a mum likes yours, unlike a mum like mines who is a cow && coodnt give a d**n about me

  3. wow you are mean i Hope she doesn't find this. If you told her you hated her she would feel very bad.

  4. You act like me.

  5. You should wait a few years so you can grow up and see if your feelings change.

    As of right now you seem to be 5 years old an incapable of knowing whether or not you really hate much of anything.

  6. I am positive if you tell your mother you hate her, you are going to regret it.

    The only thing you can do it grow up and realize you don't hate her.

  7. There will come a time in your life when you thank your mother and appreciate what she is doing! I felt this way and could not understand why my parents were so "against" me...I honestly thought they didn't love me! That is not true. Your mother does what she does simply because she does LOVE YOU and wants to bring you up right. The day she stops disciplining and correcting you then you should ask questions and be concerned. You don't hate your mother! You will regret ever saying those words...I know I DO!!

  8. Anger is an energy. Use every bit of it to better yourself- do well in school. When you turn 18, you may free yourself from your mom .

    At this point, you may realize that she may not be that bad at all.

    just remember what my favorite philosopher would say -

    "Time changes the essence of a man. " - Steven Seagal  

  9. think outside the box! feel proud of having a mom! if no one takes care of you who else would! sit down and talk to your mom! and before you do that, write down everything that bothers you that she does, and may be come up with an arrangement! hope this goes good for you! and be patient dont scream or use a high tone of voice! relax relax relax! shes your mom and she loves you! and mothers always protect their childrens!

  10. Look I completely understand how u feel.Its really hard to understand our parents but tell u what u need to sit down and talk to your mom comely and w/ respect let her kw whats bothering u and how u feel but w/ the appropriate words. You really need to sit down and talk trust me it works it did for me I was about to run away from home and I talk to my mother and things changed big time... But if u don't tell her whats bothering u how do u expect her to kw! The reason she is over protective could be that something happen to her when she was younger or someone close to u and she do-sent want the same thing to happen to u! Just be patient

  11. Dont bite the hand that feeds.

    Talk to her about it, tell her she needs to calm it down a bit.

    You shouldnt hate your mom, thats honestly really depressing. You may not be the easiest person to live with yourself.

  12. mines the same way. i just tell her that she makes my life miserable. and i wanna live my life happily and the way i want, but i not going to do stupid things. i just hate missing out on things i want to do because she wont let me, and i make her feel bad. sometimes it works too! try it!

    tell her shes embarassing you. and tell her your friends wont like you any more or make fun of you. and its hard to find friends these days. so ask her to just please not ruin it for you and the friends you have.

    but tell her you love her.

  13. i absolutely understand. my mom is the same. it seems as though without her, my life would be perfect. she is the ONLY thing in my life that ruins it for me.

    what YOU should do is to put her in her place and straighten her out.  just keep doing whatever you want and don't over-think too much about how she would feel. if she really loves you, she would get over what you do. just BREAK HER IN. BREAK HER HARD and let her know that you are your own person as well. i've been struggling with this issue for the past 3-4 years and i'm still working on it. it's not easy and it takes time. good luck!  

  14. move out, get a job, pay your own bills then you get to complain until then shut the h**l up

  15. That's a horrible thing to say. One day you'll realise how lucky you are to have a mother. My mum died last year and I love her more than anything in the world, even though she used to embarrass me, be overprotective and she was pretty strict... She still loved me.

    I absolutely can't stand people who say they hate their parents, without a decent reason. You are so so selfish.

  16. punch her

  17. Ouch! Hate is such a strong word. Don't ever hate anyone, or wish they would die, just plain wrong. Maybe you should behave a little better, you sound very immature. If you showed her a little more respect, she would not be so over protective.

  18. Wow you are not a very nice kid you go ahead and tell your mom you hate her and i really hope she does NOTHING for you like feed you buy u clothes do your laundry if i was her i would tell u u dont like it don't touch a darn thing i buy ect you have a problem and it is usually the kid who is up to no good that dont like there parents.. i pray u never have kids someday your are a brat

  19. First, right now relax. it's good to vent, so call a friend or write about it on Y! A hahah

    But tomorrow, you'll probably realize that she doesn't actually suck so bad. You could tell her that you wish that she wouldn't embarrass you so much and ask her what you can do to help her stop being so overprotecive. Try to work as a team with your mom. I know this answer probably isn't what you're looking for, but if you work together, you both get what you want and you don't have so much hatred in you.

    Please answer mine (I hate when people do thsi, but I'm desperate);...

  20. You said you hate your mom and want her to die???????/ She's ur moms i dont like u u like this i hate u hope you get raped and murdered??????

  21. I hate my mom too. May be we should trade our mom.

  22. Um, don't tell your mom you hate her. Just do what you want behind her back

  23. lol no **** she wants to control your life.


    grow up and realize that what she's doing is helping you in the long run.

    fight, and it'll only be h**l for you.

  24. haha i know how you feel

    but im asuming my mom is worse

    cause she physicly, verbally and mentally abusive of me.

    so yeah lol

    it can always be worse.  

  25. haha typical minor... well i have some advice....


  26. This is definitely a classic struggle, you'll soon get over it or learn that pretty much all parents (ESPECIALLY mothers) are like this. Learn to deal with this until you can legally go out on your own. I can definitely relate however, my mom is sometimes ridiculously over protective or worryful and it really gets to me more than I'm showing. I wouldn't suggest telling her your feelings at the moment, it's a personal feeling. And please don't grow up to hate your mother forever, do whatever you can to live with her and understand that there are good reasons she and other moms do this. You too will learn in the future the angst and overprotectiveness that comes with parenting no matter the gender.  

  27. You should chill out and realize that your mom loves you and  is "ruining your life" for your benefit.. At this point she knows better than you and has a reason for everything!

    When you have children I promise you will thank her for it!

  28. if your her kid she should hate you.(jk)

    but really you are overreacting.

    most kids feel that way about their parents at one point or another

    you need to understand that she is only doing what she is doing because of how much she loves you she only wants you to be safe and happy.

    just talk to her and tell her how you feel (except for hating her because you know you really don't.)

    think about how your life would be if you didn't have a mom or she died tomorrow. it would be way way worse.

  29. No.

    You're just being a p*****n.  Get over it.

  30. you should become an emancipated minor and go live on your own.

    your mother doesn't need a little sh** around that doesn't appreciate her

    EDIT: yes, you're right, we don't understand, we were never your age.

  31. my mom embarrases me all the time, you have no idea. i just avoid her when shes like that

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