
I hate my job now how to push thru it?

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And before you say, find a new one... it gets a little complicated. See I am 25, in college and support my daughter independently. I have been working in the same place for the same person for over 3 years now.

My boss always has to be hunted down on payday, never gives any sort of feed back on how you are doing, never gives any sort of raises and never answers direct questions. ohhh and she ignores Admins day...she is always in a bitter mood, but at least I can say she treats everyone like this and not just me. She does not like me to take a lunch and kinda act strange if I leave my desk for more than 5 minutes.

I always get everything done, usually with no errors.

in August next year I will have to quit for my last semester of internship. There are some perks, like I am 15 minutes from home, really close to my daughters daycare and school. If I have to take her to the doctor is usually ok. I have no vacation days or personal days or paid time off.

How can I make my self stick this out...because I am so close to the end?




  1. think about your daughter and start counting the days until your work there is done.

  2. Just think: "As soon as I get outta here, I can kiss her butt goodbye!" chances of you ever seeing her again are a million to one!

    hope this helps!



  3. Answering questions like this one!!!;...

    just kidding... I would suggest you to do some research and read about the Law of Attraction... it states that you ATTRACT everything you have in your life... if u had a bad relationship, a crappy job... its coz u have attracted... i hope u dont feel offended or attacked, its not my intention, but that is very true... our thoughts and beliefs are powerful that attracts to your life whatever u focus on...

    if u focus on how much u hate ur job, u'll continue hating it ;)

    please read about it, i recommend u books from Esther hicks and of course watch the film The secret :)

    ---and answer my question!!!!

  4. Just keep reminding yourself of that everyday and you'll push through. You have to stay strong for your daughter! Just remember it won't be like this forever!

  5. alcohol

  6. If the pro's outweigh the con's for the next year stick it out and make life easier for yourself right now.

    Does not stop you from looking elsewhere or seeking advice on other positions, just do not give up the income you have now in hopes for more. There are so many out there now wanting work and you may not be as lucky as you think.  

  7. I know how difficult this situation can be; but, at least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Continue to quietly check out options, but if this has been going on for 3 years its not going to change.  You can contact the Wage and Labor board regarding her attitude about lunch, but that could cause more problems than it would be worth.

    Congratulations on completing your education!

  8. If you've got a kid then it doesn't sound like you have much of a choice. Find another job before you quit or just suck it up and deal with it.  

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