
I hate my life!! is very unmeaningful for me. Do U have any suggestion what am I suppose to do?

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I am 14 year-old this year. I hate my life. My life seems to be very boring. Every day is just full of homework. And I always feel very scare.. I really don't know what am I suppose to do. Please help!!




  1. You're so young. Things can only get better, don't worry about it. Soon enough you'll be doing things you want to do and what you find interesting and fun. Give yourself time to grow.

  2. I know it's hard to believe because you probably see a whole bunch of people at your school who are smiling all the time and seem happy, but millions of kids go through a phase when they feel depressed and worthless.

    School sucks, everyone knows this, but you've only got four more years. Time will start speeding up like crazy and pretty soon you're going to wonder where it all went.

    You just need to calm down and have fun. Hang out with your friends as much as you can. Don't worry about homework so much. No matter how bad you do in school you'll still have plenty of colleges that will accept you later on. As long as you pass each class. You can do the bare minimum and still get into a great college. You're GPA doesn't matter in the least after college.

    Just have fun. Everything will work it self out. Keep a journal, sometimes it helps to let everything out. You're not depressed you're just questioning what the point of everything is. This is normal.

  3. The answer will depend on your life style.

    For example, are you a religious person? If so then the purpose of your life is to do good to have a good afterlife.

    If you are not a religious person, your life goal could be anything. You could be an actress, a doctor, a musician, and anything else your heart desires. You mention that your life is full of homework, well guess what: mine is also lol. But you will eventually finish school and finish with all that doing homework, but remember that all this school work you are doing will help your future. You will be an educated person in this word full of morons.

  4. janice, you are supposed to hold on until you mature. It gets better if you let life teach you the things that you need first to survive, then to enjoy. We all get bored. I find things to do like hobbies, or books, or joining organizations where I can be a part of things out side of myself.At 14, it is a little hard because your body is in the first stages of puberty, and you are not a kid, or an adult. This in between time in a part of the growing process which defines who you will become. You are incomplete, so think of who you want to become, and work on that.

  5. You're still pretty young. Being "bored" has nothing to do with having an un-meaningful life. Because technically, life really has no purpose. You just sort of make your own purpose or go along with it and live. Work with whatever gets thrown your way, you know? Nobody's SUPPOSED to do anything. Make smart choices and you'll find it that it's not so bad. Life's tough but you're in control of it. Don't take it too seriously.

  6. Just like me.You might have heard of my question can school cause

    depression?What i mean is i hate homework, school, my life,and a spoiled girl

    in school.It can't get any worse i mean a girl that gets whatever she wants just because she is greek.If she just makes one mistake everyone will crowd all over her

    and asks her is everything alright.Apparently having a teacher telling you to

    drop dead is worse.So looks matter now these day.I just don't know what people see in her so really there is nothing to do but deal with your problems.

    Sometimes they can be solved but sometimes they just can't.Sorry about this

    i know how you feel.Just that there really isn't nothing to do about it.I just forget

    about my problems and try to deal with it.Sorry.Really.To me looks don't matter.To others it does.It might be your depressed.Talk to your docter if

    you start feeling sad or angry too.Boredom is a sign of depression.

    Try some daily activities that you like.Discover life when you are still young.

    Take a rest or go on vacation for a week or two to a place that you always

    wanted to go.Just focus on what's important in life.And just be glad you are

    alive and came to be.Just enjoy your life while you are still young.Life will always be life.

  7. I think ur life is meaningful spend time with ur siblings or friends

    never be afraid to do thing never hesitate cuz remember u only got 1 life to live

  8. Life is answering the question "what is the life."  No one knows the meaning of life. its just who you are and what you do to control your life. i am now 18 and i am always confused about life. so many question about everything i ask myself all the time. I always have mixed emotions and think differently about things over and over again. But i have just learned to calm down and just try to go with the flow. Try to be happy where ever life takes me but think big and never give up at the same time. soon you will realize that you have much more meaning than you thought you did.  

  9. Just hang in there, all 13-18 yr olds go through that and some adults as well. Things will get better.

  10. Don't hate life. It is all you may truly possess. You are young, and very full of potential. Homework sucks. I know, believe me. But take up a hobby or a club. Talk to people. Keep your mind more occupied. There is too much out in the world that you do not yet have access to, but you soon will. Set goals that will make your life fuller. But don't ever just sit around and sulk about how much you hate it.

  11. Struggle in life gives us opportunity to develop ,so why to worry,enjoy the struggle and develop yourself.

  12. You appear to me as young girl who is depress . How is your relation with your parents / And do you have some activities ; like drawing or reading ; or some sports ; if no well try to get involve in something that please you ; and if you   are  having the same state of mine once ; you start school see your school counsellor ; also if you have at least one parent you can trust ; confide in this person  

  13. i think most people do, i remember when i was 14, i hated it, 8th grade sucks, so does all of middle school, high schools better, you'll get through it

  14. do something that makes you feel whole...exercise..and guess what? I t is not forever you are a teenager hardest time of our lives..go with it  live for today and the moment.....

  15. Many adults don't understand, but being a kid your age can be tough. Your parents think you are too young to do anything you want to do, but they think you are mature enough to act like a mini adult! Arrggh! It can feel very confusing, but try to focus on getting good grades. Pursue YOUR interests, not what other people think is cool. And remember, will it really matter in 5 years?What you wore, who you liked, etc. etc. How about 10? Listen to adults talk, ever hear anyone get hired or fired because someone found out they were popular/ugly/geeky/fat/skinny when they were 14? Nope. Be grateful, some kids lives are so chaotic and unstable they wished being bored was an option, at least it would be safe. That being said, if your feelings seem to be uncontrollable, maybe you should talk to your doctor or a counselor. Does it coincide with your time of your period? hormones may be to blame. You may suffer from mild anxiety or depression and therapy or medicine might do the trick. Or it could be a combination of poor diet and lack of excercise. Lack of certain vitamins and minerals can really interfere with your mood.

  16. Ur life basically just started wait awhile your true purpose might be waiting for you around the corner

  17. I'm almost 25 and I have no idea what I'm doing. Your family loves you and will never give up on you.

    They say that before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb he went through some 600 prototypes before creating a device that worked reasonably well enough for him to file a patent. That means he failed around 599 times!

    There was no mass production line, the things hadn't been invented yet! It was him and a few helpers cobbling together carbon filaments and wires. Imagine the sweat, the concentration, the mashing to teeth, the calloused hands... Each time, time after time, more failures.

    Guess what? He stuck to it and he eventually did it.

    Guess what? It wasn't until several months after they received the patent that his team refined the light bulb to last more than a day and a half!

    Even after countless nights of failure, they created something that changed the night-time street corner and skyline forever. And it didn't even work perfectly the first time.

    The moral of the story is never give up. Don't let anyone ever tell you you can't. You will try new things and probably fail a bunch of times. But who cares?

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