
I hate my life? what do u think?

by  |  earlier

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im not depressed. im just sick of my life right now. imj sick of my mom sick of my sis sick of living with them. im tired of evrything. i dont wanan live i dont wanna die . idk !!!!! i feel mad inside becuz i never get anything. my sis gets evrything. i envy other ppl lives like LC from the hills. idk anymore.




  1. Sometimes life can get to be that way but u just gotta let things tired of my mutha too but that just makes me work harder in skool and stuff so i can go to college and get outta there...dying is not gonna solve anything its just another easy way out

  2. If your that sick with life do something about it. Go volunteer at a children's cancer hospital, get a job. Do something you like to do and the world will change for you. Remember there is always somebody worse off than you.

  3. C'mon now cheer up! There's much more to life than just the beginning when you live with your family. In the mean time, get a hobby, hang out with friends, at least try to get along with your mom and sis.

    And remember, be grateful for what you already have.

  4. I don't think that its right to idolize anybody from the hills. Don't you know, they're made of plastic.

    Get a hobby, hang out with some people, start doing things. It really just sounds like you're bored.  

  5. Hey sweetie.

    It really can suck that bad sometimes.

    Glad you told us...

    back in the day there was no outreach to others like this.  God Bless the Internet... especially Yahoo!

    Life can get better.

    welcome it to you and the Universe will provide

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