
I hate my lil sister... help

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like im 20 and she's 15 and we have never ever ever gotten along. its not that we choose this but when we do try to talk we might for a bit n then she has this really bad temper n takes everything offensively and talks back n omg i just cant stand her. my mom hates that we fight so much and really i dont care about her anymore like its messed up to say bt i feel like i dont want her to be a part of my life at all. so earlier we got into it and just went at it verbally and idk im not trippin hard bc i really dont care n she doesnt either n my question is how do any of you if any handle situations like this where family cant just get along and both of you dont make the effort or is there a way to fix it? i just cant stand her n her attitude and her selfish ways , help?




  1. well girl friend i have a littel brother and thats even worse he alway comes in my room and anousse me but i just ignor him!! i know it is hard but if he says somthing roude to me all i say is whatever and he get really mad!!! and he leaves me alone!!! soo try it!

  2. Maybe she should get into counceling, and you and your sister should get into family counceling. It would help, trust me.

    And since she is 15 maybe there could be something going on with her personally; something that has been bothering her so much that she takes it out on you.

  3. You should really try to patch things up with her and quick; if you lose her now, once you go your own way and she goes hers it might be years before you ever talk to her again, and even worse you might never talk to her again. It might be tough but she is your sister, she will really need you some day, be there for her! Remember that she is only 15 and is still a child (I myself am 20 and have a 15 year old sister and i couldnt imagine not talking to her at all; we may fight but doesnt everybody? We just get over it).

  4. 15 is such a hard age- for other people!  It's like they "know everything" and won't be told.  And, the hormones!!  Too many hormones!!!

    I don't know.... just be as civil as possible, ignore her if you must.  Don't let her antics get a rise out of you- don't react to her.

    Someday you won't live together and you'll probably get along a lot better when you are not stuck under the same roof.

    Good luck.

  5. Just ignore your sister forever, pretend that she's not even there.  Do not talk or respond.  Become void.

  6. I wouldn't give up on your sister just yet. I'm thinking that it's probably you two are just different people entirely, with different outlooks and different opinions. Your sister is only 15, she's got a lot of growing up to do ahead of her, and right now she might be confused or still discovering who she is and what she likes. Keep in mind that her perception now is WAY different than what you, a 20 year old, thinks. She's in a different time frame, different social situation, different mindset. In a sense you sort of have to respect that.

    I don't know if your sister is doing bad habits, since you said you give her advice, but i'm not sure on what. I would say try to do things with her that are bonding, like go camping, do bowling on Sunday nights, go skydiving, cliff diving, anything that gets your mind off things and gets you two involved in some fun activities. It'll help ease tension between you; my boyfriend has conflicts with his brother that's 16, and usually they'll be fighting one week, decide to go camping, and on their camping trip will be the best of siblings. Hopefully this will help!

  7. You're an adult now. If you can't stand your sister, no one is forcing you to be around her.

  8. I have been there. Really. My sister and I are the same age difference apart and have had the exact same problems (we've even got physical). Let me tell you the worst thing you can do is try and make her change her attitude. Life has to do that for her. You need to concentrate on carrying yourself like a lady. I stay by if you can't say nothing nice then don't say anything at all. My sister and I have literally gone weeks without conversation because of this. But we avoid fighting this way. When people tell you that it might go away as you get older, they may be right, but in the meantime there's no reason to stress yourself out trying not to hate her guts because you feel as you feel. Not all of us can be the Anderson sisters. Just try not to draw blood.  

  9. i hate my lil bro too im in the same situation as you only that my bro is 22 im 23

  10. You have to understand that you are an adult and she is a child. I have 2 younger brothers and we never got along, but now that I have a family and I am older I wish we would have tried to get along better. We are close but not really close. Don't push her away. She is going through what every 15 - 16 is going through. Don't tell her you hate her and don't make her feel bad about herself. She may say she hates you but she doesn't. You are her family. She is yours... Remember that

  11. Err, you can move out.

    Live with one of your friends or something.

    Or just ignore her.

    Maybe she just likes making you annoyed?

  12. wow sounds like me and my older sis xcept im 16 and shes 22.. WOW and we fought 2 times today...

    this is normal shows how much you care for each other that you love each other and as for the fighting let me guess overstupid c**p... well trust me use guiltt on her be nice it will work cuz i just wish that me and my sis can bond and if she is ever nice to me i will be glad to be nice back

  13. When you act maturely towards her, she'll learn from your example.  Maybe shrug it off if she snaps at you for no apparent reason and make her feel like she's an immature brat.  

  14. well my cousins like that. just try to stay away from her or if u really want to go to consiling....

    (hint: i'd stay away and if u see her at family things, just pass her by like nothing)

  15. i know exactly how u feel i have 3 sisters. =/ just try not to talk to her for a while . she's short tempered mayb because she's jealous of you. its your little sisters u dont normally get a long . u'll be fine

  16. I'm just like that with my little sister, but worse.

    We really hurt each other. It's bad.

    If you are 20, ask your parent/s for a loan to get you your own place.

    Maybe an apartment or something.

    Just keep your distance from each other!

    Good luck ;]

  17. You need to spend more time with her to get to know her better. This way you can know how to talk to her with out her getting offended. Just try to get along after all shes your sister. Try telling her what you feel and that you wish to get along with her.  

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