
I hate my mom's boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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okay, my mom has been with this guy for like 5 years now, and I really dislike him. I never did.. and as I get older.. the hate gets stronger. I tried telling my mom.. about 6 times. Everytime he comes over, and go to my room and lock my door. His presence just annoys me. He does things for me as a bribe to make me like him, and I know it. He drives us everywhere, and my mom doesn't even drive ANYWHERE anymore. I cry alot in front of her.. and she tells me to shut up and stop being a baby. We fuss.. twice a day and I'm thinking of running away. I can't take it anymore.. i'm tired of her not listening to me..

please help me.. i have no where else to turn.




  1. I think you may be more disjointed with your Mother for hanging with him for this long without Him stepping up to the plate and marrying her. This alone would make me think of him as somebody that is not in favor with me. OR, you could take it upon yourself to get to really know him and not be such a little creep. This would take a big person to do this.He might be a really good guy and you might have a change of heart. "You" are making it difficult.

    There are 2 possibilities in my answer. What would serve you the most?  

  2. I know you probably don't want to hear this but if your mom really loves him, and he is not  doing anything to cause any immediate harm to you, chances are he is not going anywhere after 5 years, and its not him you dislike but it's anyone who isn't your dad.

    My aunt and her husband went through this with his daughter. His daughter is 27 years old with an infant, and hasn't had a relationship with her father in nearly 11 years, and blames it on his wife (my aunt). She has told him that if he ever wants a relationship with her again he needs to divorce his wife (which is silly they have been married for 20 years.)

    The point to that story is that she has been mad at her dad for 11 years and has wasted all this time that she could have had a relationship with her father, and now her daughter will never know his grandpa.

    Just give this guy a chance. Maybe he is a good guy and you don't know it.

  3. ok first of all DO NOT RUNAWAY U WILL MAKE THINGS A LOT WORSE IF U DO!!!! And second u need to talk to ur mom and tell her exactly how u feel and when u do this tell her "mom i need to talk to u about ur bf plz do not tell me to stop acting like a baby or to shut-up just plz talk to me and hear me out on this"....then after u talk to her see what happens and then u really need to talk to him alone too. let him know what u really feel and maybe once u get this off ur chest u might actually like him in the near future. and dont rush things if u do talk. just tell him how u feel. but mainly u need to talk to ur mom first. hope i helped. and plz do me one favor and do not run away.plz

  4. Wow bad suitation.

    Well dont run away.

    I think in front of moms boyfriend, tell both of them, I dont like you mister. you go to h**l and dont come here to my house. if you want to meet my mom, take her out, not here.

  5. why do u hate him? maybe u should try to talk to him and maybe discuss about why u hate him so much and how things could get better

  6. Alright then, I'm going to try to be as gentle as I can with this answer, but you're probably not going to like it.

    Mom has a right to have her boyfriend. She is allowed to love and be loved by a man. You may not like him, but obviously SHE sees something special in him that you're plain out ignoring.

    It sounds like you have NEVER given the man a chance, and don't intend to. And frankly, that's not right.

    Maybe instead of making yourself miserable, and making mom suffer because you don't want her being happy (and yes, that's how you're acting by throwing tantrums) why not stop? Give him a fair chance. What you're calling bribes (makes me think there's a bitter dad in there somewhere who you've been paying way too much attention to) could be this guys way of trying to be your FRIEND.

    Your mom's been with him 5 years already, doesn't sound like she's going to give him up just because you're being childish and not TRYING to like the guy. Ever heard the phrase, "If ya can't beat them, join them."?

    Try that, next time he comes over, stay, talk to him. Get to know him. THEN when you've tried that for a few weeks, or months, see if your feelings don't change about him entirely.

  7. this sounds alot like me. my mom has been with a guy for 7 years now. i hate his guts. your lucky he trys bribing you! mine hates me to yells all the time hits me, wont let me hold his and my moms kids when he is around even  though they call me mom because my mom doesnt care. the part  i hate the most is before they had kids and got married she told me and my older sister(who did run away and now her life is h**l so i dont think it is a good idea you run awa) that we always come first but after she had 2 kids with them she doesnt even care im around. i dont have any advice but just wanted to let you no you are not the only one out there hang in there. i will pray for you and your mom.

    check my qestion out i need help about my mom

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