
I hate my mom. I feel like running away.?

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I hate my mom I dont know what to do She thinks we [me and my brother] have the best life and no other kids have it better and she is the best mother. It's only because she buys us off then she's like you have a lot, more than a lot of other kids. You shop at aeropostale, abercrombie and other places I bet there arn't to many other kids at your school who shop at those places. The truth is I don't even shop at those places unless I have a gift card I think I bought 2 things at aero when I didn't have a gift card. She thinks she's superior to everyone She can act mean yo you but 5 min later she can be nice and act like nothing happened and you dont know how to feel you know if you should be mad or forgive I cant do it anymore I hate my life I have no friends Im going to try to make some when I get back from spring break Even the 1 friend I have I'm scared to ask her to drive me anywhere cuz she might yell at me I want to run away but I wouldnt know where to go I just cant wait till I




  1. You have no choice really since you are a minor in a legal guardians household the only option you have is to get emancipated which is pretty much having all the responsibility's of an 18 year old or legal adult the requirements for emancipation is must be 15 yrs of age have a certain amount of income banks approval and guardians signature. emancipation is your pretty much living on your own. If you run away your mother has the legal right to have the police take i and have u sit in a juvenile department for a couple days. I don't suggest running away. the best thing is consoling for u and ur family. Best of luck

  2. She is your mother don run away and she would also feel very sad

  3. I've felt the way you feel many, many times.  I promise that if you run away, you'll be on the losing end.  It's not worth it.

    Just wait it out. She's your mom. You'll grow out of it.

    I did.

  4. If you read what you wrote, you might realize that you are not thinking straight.

    Your Mom is trying to give you a good life.  What do you do to cause her to stop acting nice to you?  Are you pleasant to be around?  Do you like people?  Do you smile in a friendly fashion when you meet others?

    I'm trying to see why you dont have any friends.  Maybe it is time for you to concentrate on yourself and begin to be a smiling friendly person to everyone you know or meet.

    Your Mom loves you...yes, she does, so please dont hate her.  She is the only Mother you will ever have, and it is a very cold unfriendly world out there.  

    Do you know what it means to love someone unconditionally?

    It means that you love them no matter what they do or say.   Can you do that/  Try it!!!

  5. you should never hate your mother.

  6. Tell oyur mom this and tell her to change.

  7. So what's your point? changing your mom behavior?

  8. Since you didn't mention anything about your dad it looks like you have a single mom. And your situation is very common to those mom who are constantly trying to keep a normal family by herself.  According to you she is somewhat moody, it is because of her dual role in the family.  A father who discipline you while providing your needs to the best she can and a mother who looks after you at home.  Her arrogant attitude is her defense to make her look strong to others but deep inside she needs support from someone.  And she is confused just like you on how to balance things around her.  It won't be long and you will become parent too, and since it is your first time to have kids and raise a family, you are in the process of learning things.  No parent is an expert and no books can train them to know everything at once. No doubt that she loves you both, learn life together with her,. It is not easy, arguments will come along the way and you might feel that she is always winning.  If you only have courage to talk to her and be a friend to her, you will realize that you are both winning here, you are both learning.  Try to imagine exchanging place with her and taking all the responsibilities. What will you do?  The success and failure of the family is on her shoulder.  Keep it light and help her carry that load, do not go yet, she needs you.  Give her a chance to show it to you by showing her you understand her situation.  You are lucky to have a mother, I have non, I envy you.

  9. there are so many things going on right now there is no one good  answer for you.  it would be great if your mom would be receptive to you sitting down and telling her youd rather spend time with her just hanging out at the beach or whatever instead of her buyig you things.  maybe you could let her know you're aware that other kids have it better.  keep in mind, parents don't know what they're doing most of the time.  its like if you just showed up to work at a real estate office one day and expected to know what to do.  you won't.  you'd have to wing it and that's what she's doing.  maybe she's subconsciously doing what's easiest, that's providing financially for you guys.  it's so much harder to be a parent who is involved in a kids life than it is just throwing money at them.  

    things are going to get better, they always do.  sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.  you're a freshman in high school.  you're likely to have a while of you and your mom not quite meeting eye to eye on things before you become closer.  

    bottom line is, unless you two can figure out how to get things in the open and figure out what's going on, this is how it's perpetually going to be.  

    sit down and talk to her.  tell her how you feel about her giving you the guilt trip about providing for you.  i am a mother and i would never hold the fact that i provide a roof over my kids' heads, or clothes for them, or food, etc..... over their head.  that's what i'm supposed to do.

    her making sure you have name brand clothes that SHE thinks are cool seems like an issue in her own mind.

    let me know how it goes!

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