
I hate my nose!!!!!!?

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I really don't like my nose. sometimes, people will tease me about it and it really hurts. I'm a sensitive person. From the front it looks fine, but then from the side it looks awful! I really don't want to get surgery, seeing as I am scared of needles and surgery in general. How can I accept the way I look?




  1. dont hate your own body parts

    its who you are

    ignore them

    just enjoy how u look like

  2. I'm  sure those people have things they hate about their body. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mid don't matter. Don't let it affest you, I'm sure there are beautiful things about you that you don't even notice. Next time someone says something like that think about something you have that they don't (long legs, soft hair). Who cares about a side view anyways. =)

  3. Realize that everyone has imperfetions. I have the exact same problem, i like my nose from the front but from the side its awful. As you get older you grow into it and you realize that you have to wok with what your given. Play up your other features. ex. if you have really pretty eyes make them noticable. Just act as if your nose doesn't bother you and be confident. Look at Paris Hilton, she doesn't have the best nose in the world but people don't notice becuase she has such confidence and doesn't seem to care. Good luck (=

  4. you have to find the other good things about yourself and just accept that someone will like you just the way you are

  5. I've always had a perfect nose,

    So, i really can't help you with this one,

    But look in the mirror and say to yourself all the good things about your appearance.

    It'll make you feel better (:

    You can still be cute with a not-so-cute nose.

  6. List five words to describe yourself. The trick-do not describe any physical features and use any words other than "nice"! Some creative words to choose from could be:







    Praise people for what they can do, not just how they look. Compliment a friend today on something other than his/her appearance.

    Try to ask a older sibling,mom, or your grandma how she felt about her appearance when she was about your age. What does she know now that she wishes she'd know then? Compare what she said with your past-experiences

    Tell your family and friends about your accomplishments. When you accomplish something you're really proud of-whether it's passing a tough test or finishing a winning soccer season-that's when you're at your most beautiful. Give yourself a pat on the back! Call a grandparent or e-mail a favorite aunt to share the news. Celebrate with family and friends.

    Limit your face time. It's OK to give yourself a once-over in the mirror before you head out in the morning.

    Face washed?

    Fly zipped?

    Hair not standing straight up (unless you like it that way)?

    Don't obsess about your appearance. It's fine to want to see what's changing and to daydream about who you're becoming. But spending too much time in front of the mirror-or peeking at your reflection in every mirror you pass- is not worth it. You've got better things to do!

    Accept compliments genuinely. When your friend says,"You look great," don't brush her off with "I think these pants make me goofy." Just say "Thanks," and let the words sink in.

    Celebrate taking care of yourself. Take time today to pamper your skin with great-smelling soap to lotion. Clean and cut your nails.

    Give your body respect, and you'll get respect from the rest of the world, too. Even if you wake up feeling lousy-or just lazy-wash your face, comb your hair, brush your teeth, and get dressed in your favorite jeans and t-shirt.

    List three things you like about your looks. When you're having a bad day, focus on what you like about yourself. (Ex:I have pretty hazel eyes with dark eyelashes, a gorgeous smile, and shiny hair,etc.)

    Don't waste your time comparing yourself to others. There's no one out there just like you, who was grown up with your experiences and has your talents. Also remember to listen to your body when you play sports. Don't push yourself past your body's limits, even if you're told to toughen up. Your instincts will tell you when to stop.

    Make meals something special. Even if you're only having cereal with your siblings, create traditions that will make the moment memorable. Set the table. Take turns sharing funny dreams from the night before. At dinner, dim the lights and have your parents light a candle for the table. Enjoy giving yourself the fuel you need and sharing your ideas and feelings with people eating with you.

    Try to change the subject if your friends start talking about their weight or diet. Show them there are more interesting things to talk about, such as how their soccer team is doing and how old their little golden retriever pup is this month.

    Know that it's OK not to feel perky or peppy all the time. Sometimes you just have to live with the bad feelings and just know they'll pass. If you feel seriously sad, be sure to talk to an adult who cares about you. Also, when you're in a bad mood, your body knows it. Think about which part of your body gets out of whack when you're crabby or upset. Do you get a stomachache when you're nervous about a test? Do you get a headache when you feel anxious? If you recognize your body's signals, you may be able to figure out what's bothering you and make yourself feel better.

    Cheer yourself up when needed. If it's daytime, open up the window and let in some fresh air and sunlight. If it's nighttime, put on some clean pajamas and curl up with a favorite book, movie, or CD. Feeling stressed? Take a warm bath or shower. Imagine the water washing away your worries. Also try to create your own peace rituals. When you're angry or stressed out, take three long,slow,deep breaths. Write in your journal. Turn on some of your favorite music. Find ways to calm your spirit, and return to those practices whenever you feel anxious.

    Start a dream list. Find a pretty notebook and write down places you'd like to visit, experiences you'd like to have, people you'd like to meet, and skills you'd like to learn. A dream list is a great start to creating a life filled with fun, adventure, and interesting experiences. Put a box next to each item on your list so you can check it off when it happens.

    List all the things you're good at, whether it's math or being funny. If you feel down about yourself, look at the list you made, and remember-you rock!

    Wear clothes that make you feel good. You know which shirt makes you feel self-conscious and which pants make you squirm. Talk to your mom about why you don't feel good in those clothes and ask if you can give them to charity. Wear your favorite color. If you feel great in it, your confidence will show! If someone teases you about the clothes you wear, shrug it off and say, "Oh well, at least I like them!" Remember: People aren't looking at you or talking about you nearly as much as you think they are. Also try a new `do. Brush your hair, braid it, twist it, and tie it. Experiment! You can express yourself through your appearance and no one way is right. They're all you.

    Develop your own style. Experiment with clothing to see what makes you feel the best. Some days you might feel girly and fancy-other days you won't! That's O.K. This week, visit a clothing store with a friend and pick out five new outfits in colors and styles you'd never consider wearing. Then have fun trying them on! Don't be surprised if something you thought would look awful actually looks good on you. Have a laugh at the ones you don't like.

    Don't care about what other people think. Have you been hurt by words? Remember this: People who insult others usually do it to make themselves be powerful. Know what that means? They're probably insecure. They are the ones who lack confidence, so try not to bend into the pressure to return their jabs with an insult.

    Learn something new. Read a good article about something going on in the world. you will feel like you are knowledgeable about some current events,and it will give you a sense of self-importance.

    Look for the beauty in others and embrace it. Finding beauty in those around you gives YOU a more beautiful spirit.

  7. just ignor the ones who are mean to you and accept them that their probly mad about something with theirself so they pick on sumone else to make it feel better

  8. wow i have the same prob i hate my nose to..its kinda crooked like a jewish persons =// idk i learned to cope with it hahaha
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