
I hate my one and only parent! and Im not one of those stubborn teenagers !?

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Ok here it goes I'm a 14 year old girl and my mum got a divorce a few years ago but i didn't really care cause my dad didn't like us anyway. But now things have started to mum is like my dad now she keeps going away with out a note and keeps drinking and I'm really scared of her when she is cause she goes around the house swearing. Also every week she sleeps with some different dude. Ok you can say it she is a sl** i don't care if you do. I still care for her but its like bitter-sweet love. I hate her and i like her. She really does hate me now and i have no clue what to do? The only person that really understands me is my bf cause he's been through the same maybe even worse. I'm really getting pissed off at her aswell she does not give a d**n about anything any more! She got a phone call from the teacher cause she thought i was wagging ( but i had to do something else ) and my mum said she didn't care what i was doing and hung up!

What do i do with a parent that REALLY truly hates me and you hate her but on the other hand i still care for her cause she is supposed to be my MOTHER!?






  1. Sounds like your over reacting. I would guess your blowing the situation out of control in your own mind. Your biggest problem I see at this point is your 14 and have a BF that is the only person that understands you. Always remember, your mother will be your mother the rest of her life. Your BF is temporary. Maybe you should spend some quality time with your mother and help her through her situation, rather than worrying about yourself and bf.

  2. You should try talking to your school councelor about this ...

    -good luck !!

  3. i understand. my father loves my mother and she thinks he does not. he tells everyone that he loves her.i read some of her messages and i think she is having an affair with someone. i don't know what to do. i was thinking of talking to her you do it too. if she doesn't talk to the police or pschologist.

  4. If you're that miserable, and she honestly hates you, i don't think it could hurt to talk to some family about it. (Obviously not your mom or dad.)

    Talk to an aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent, anyone about it. Maybe they could take you in, instead.

  5. if she's implying to teachers etc that she doesn't care about you someone will probably eventually call the social worker people.

    that would suck, but it might open your mum's eyes up.

    she's obviously the one with the problem, there's nothing you can do about it.  unfortunately you're probably going to have to be the grown up of the house.  one day you'll be a much better mother than her because you will have learnt from all her mistakes.

  6. add me on yahoo or msn we will talk on there

  7. whoa I feel really bad for you. You should get a chance to tlk to your mother one on one( when she isnt drinking, dude isnt there, and whens she has a good mood.) tell her how you feel and dicuss about gow she can work it out with you.  I cant 100% garrentee that this will work becuz i dobt really know your mother that well so try it out. Yup i go through about the same thing as you and my moms a little better now.

  8. Talk to that teacher who phoned your mother. Ask him or her to help you, I think you need to go and live someplace else. Have you got any kind relatives who can take you in? You'd be much better off.  

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