
I hate my piano teacher!?

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My piano teacher got pregnant, so she can not teach anymore. Now I have a male teacher, until my other teacher can teach. I do not like Mr.Piano (let's call him that for now) because he breathes down my neck, and makes me totally uncomfortable! My mom told me that the Summer is almost coming, but I really do not want to go until my other teacher can teach again! What do I do?




  1. Ask Mr Forte if he'd be kind enough not to breathe down your neck since it makes you uncomfortable. That would be a start! (You could be nicer about it, asking him to sit to one side or another since you find his presence unnerving, that'd be politer).

    It would be a pity to give up the piano, just because of this teacher - try and stick with it if you can, since being able to play the piano's cool.

  2. DId you tell your mom that was why?  Tell her that you dont think its fair to make you be with a person who makes you uncomfortable.

  3. You should definitely tell your mom how you feel uncomfortable around him.  That sounds creepy.  I'm sure there are tons of other piano teachers you can choose from.  Or maybe you can hold off on piano and just practice yourself.  I did for a few months because my old teacher moved back to England.

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