
I hate my school and life...????? please help!! ?

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i just changed schools this year and i hate my new school!!! im always depressed there and i don't really have any friends at that school. not a single person. by the end of the day i probably have spoken to one person at most. i used to have a lot of friends at my old school and now im sooo lonely and depressed!!! and my new school is really small and everybody has there own group of friends and i feel left out! i tried talking to people but i still dont have any real friends. all my other real good friends either graduated, moved or still go to my old school. i hate my life right now!! i mean i would probably enjoy my day 10 times more if i was in a room alone doing nothing than going to school. and i just dont want to go to school tomorrow or ever!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!




  1. nina is that you?

  2. Trust me i know , right now i am in a Private School with rich people and i barely even am surviving i just hate it ! It only been 2 weeks now also , and i don fit in as well . All my friends went away and now its only me . But just hold your head up high and ask your parents if you like get straight As you can go to a school of your choice .  

  3. me and you both

  4. You can make friends by just being yourself and i'm sure soon your going to have as much friends as you had in your old school. I really hope things get better for you. =]

  5. SUZANNA    Your in a new school !!  Its just the beginning of the year.. You need to think positive.. That's the only way to make friends..If you walk around like a" pickle puss",,no one will WANT to make friends with you.. Make an effort !!  Really try..Be friendly,,and when talking to new people,,just make general conversation,,and once again be friendly.. Doing that is magnetic,,people always like to talk to and be around positive friendly people..Give it some time..Everyone is new to everyone in the beginning..Guaranteed,,by November you'll have some new friends and by January,,it will be on its way to being just like your old school ..Promise !! Your at a beautiful time in life,,and each day will show you new things about life, yourself, and your studies,,you only have to be open to them..Right now,,you don't realize it,,but your in training for the rest of your life,,and it will always be a learning experience.. Remember life is a journey not a destination !!  EMBRACE  IT !!   Good Luck  !!    SOLOMON

  6. shouldn't overreact. You are there to get an education, not have fun and be social. This also happened to me (kinda). Anyway i had tons of friends and now i don't. It's not a huge deal, it actually lets me work on my work inclass. Stop worrying about what people think and stop trying to get friends, smartest thing to do would to focus on ur work and try hard.

  7. arent you a little old to be complaining about having no friends?

  8. I hate my school and my life too, I have to go to a private school for rich kids, they're all so g*y, they say the dumbest things, they're all friends, and nobody will let me into their clique. I feel so left out, and its awkward having conversations with them cause I cant relate to them.. please give me some motivational words... I really dont want to be alive right now, I have to deal with a year of this c**p, I think im going to cry......

  9. Making friends is easier than you think. Make it a goal to talk to at least one person each class, and in the hallways as well. It can be very easy to strike up a conversation. Compliment them on their shoes, or new haircut. Ask for help...with anything, even if it's just asking what tonight's homework is (even if you already wrote down what it was).

    Also, you might want to advertise the kind of person you are, and the things you are interested in. Hang posters in your locker, or decorate your books. Carry a conversation piece around that says something about what kind of person you are, and maybe someone will surprise you and stop you and talk to you about it.

    Good luck with making new friends. I know you can do it.  

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