
I hate my sister?

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I hate my sister?

Im sick and tired of my little sister! She is 9 years old and she is worse then a devil! She is a little brat always bugging me and disrespecting me! Im around 6 years odler then her and i do think i deserve the respect that i deserve... She speaks with me as if im garbage, she thinks she is right and im wrong, she never listens to me.. I get jealous when the sister's of my other friends listen to them and my sister doesnt listen to me... She makes me faces and says means words in front of other people! I hate her! She doesnt have an ounce of respect for me and doesn give me an presence! I have forgaved her before and before because i always thought she was my lil sis and i should give her another chance (although she never ever apologized) but now im done and im done and she is not my sister for the rest of my life!

Do you think there is a way i can solve this problem? Im tired, sad, and depressed, i miss her, she used to be such a nice person but she changed..what shall I do?




  1. I used to have a sister not that long ago...and we used to have good and bad times together..we used to fight and say things that we didn't mean, but then we apologized and forgave each other....I remember that I was so mad at her for some things..but when she passed away a couple of years ago, that was the worst!! remember the stupid things that you fought over...and you wind up MISSing her more than ever...Good luck:))

  2. Tell her to bug off and also tell her to stop being horible. Talk to ur mum or someone, make her realise what she;s doing thats making u depressed and try to knock some sense into ur sister 2.

    i have a lil sis 2, but i found that if u COMPLETELY ignore her when shes trying to diss u then she'll soon get bored and leave u alone. Trust me, it works.

  3. whatever she does, she will always be ur little sister. i used to bother my elder sister but now she is married n moved away with her husband . i don't get to see her not once in a month. but she has been like a mother to me. now i regret the days i bothered her, caused her troubles. but she always had the big heart for us n still does. ur the big one, u love her . 1 day she will understand ur love. bcos love returns love. to answer this question, tears coming.i remember my sister very much.

  4. have your parents install a lock on your bedroom door so you can be by yourself and have your sister find a hobby or more friends.

  5. Wow, not to sound disrespectful but you sound like you need to grow up some. Your sister is younger than you so she of course is going to be less mature than you should be, but regardless she is your sister! Try to be the mature one here and see if you two can actually sit down and talk about how you both would like your relationship to be better. Blaming one person for all the problems is wrong. When you point a finger 3 fingers point back at you! Point your finger out and see what I mean. Maybe she thinks your mean & bossy? Regardless you need to try to talk and figure out how to respect each other. Good Luck!

  6. Maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror.  I am judging you the same as you are judging her.  You sound a lot like her and she MORE than likely feels like you about you.  Maybe you think you're all that and a bag of chips?  You're only 15!  How can you be done with her the rest of your life when you live in the same house, likely for atleast another 3 years?  Maybe you guys should have some slumber parties and go rent movies together.  Instead of trying to assert control in a relationship that SHOULD be equal, try to be her FRIEND.  You sound like a grumpy bossy big sister.  Grow up and realize she's not LITTLE.  She's your sister and is old enough to guess and know when you're dumping her off or trying to control her.  That's what parents are for.  Get over yourself and grow up!
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