I'm not one of those people who seek attention. I truly hate myself. I'm not pretty,im really skinny, ugly complexion, ugly face, ugly everything.
When I was younger, I was sexually harassed by my cousin.
About a year ago, i was sexually harassed again by this man, in my own house while i was sleeping.
most people dont even know i get depressed, they think everythings good but thats cause I know how to hide it. And hide it really well too.
I used to cut myself. Cry myself to sleep. write hate letters. sleep all day. not eat like in 2 days. stay in my room all day. take sleeping pills. anger problems. rebellious.
never tried drugs. a & b student. going to highschool this year. 14.
that was before though(not eating , sleeping pills, rebellion etc) but now its happening again.
i dont need your sympathy either... I just want to be normal.
help me.
please leave out any rude comments, I dont need that -_-
ps. excuse my spelling, grammar etc....