
I hate myself because of how I am!! HELP?

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This is going to be sort of like a confession type thing, rather than me seeking advice but...

So, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the type of guy that I want is someone who will, in the simplest terms possible, control me. That sounds bad but I don't really know how else to put it.

I want a guy who can dominate me and take control of situations and lead me. I don't mean someone who is CONTROLLING or abusive, I just want to be ... I don't know..

This isn't a sexual thing, though there are elements in it that can be I guess.. but I feel so non-feminist and horrible when I think these things. I don't want to feel this way about the kinds of men I like, but this is the absolute truth.

Should I train myself to like other kinds of guys or what? Am I being abnormal? Am I psychologically damaged?




  1. Goodness, when did wanting a man to take care of you become such a bad thing? You're not weird sweetie; a lot of us feel that way. There's no need (and no way) to "train" yourself to like other types of guys. You just have to be more careful about picking men. At least to me, the ideal man is one who is always is control, but always takes his woman's input and feeling into consideration. And it's admittedly hard to find some one whose both controlling and gentle. But it IS possible- trust me.

    In today's society, girl's are being led to think that not being a feminist n**i is a bad thing. It's okay to want some one to take care of you. It's okay to want to be a stay-at-home mom instead of a high power executive or a scientist. Some women may want all the control, and there's nothing wrong with that for them, but that's not for all of us. So just trust your heart, be careful of the men you choose, and good luck to you!

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