
I hate myself?

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i hate myself so much and i spend my whle day o the computer. i hav serious anger mangement problems and i am only 13. i am so mean 2 my one friend that means a lot 2 me. i always tell him i dont wanna be his friend and that i dont lik him but i do it is just when i get mad at somone i take it to the extreme and i hav learned tlkin to my parents does not work and i really wanna help myself. wat do i do?




  1. dnt hate urself. enjoy life.

  2. CHILL, peace bro....

    just take a deep

    don't you feel soo much better? lol

  3. get over it and get to school!!!!

  4. obviously we can't do anything about hopefully you learn sooner than most people that you are in charge of your life. Yes, your parents are guiding you until you hit maturity but you are responsible for every decision you make.

    With that being said, realize before you do something that you have a choice in what you do and how you react to everything! If you don't like something about your self, then change it.

    Lastly, realize that the people that you surround yourself around has a high impact of how you turn out.

  5. Talk to someone who can deal with angermanagment. I would say try not to get angry you can get the stress off just relax listen to music. Sounds like you should ask your parents what to do:)

  6. i dont think you "hate" yourself at all...i think that you are just lose im 13 to i used to be like you kinda...but i found best friends and GOD! you really need a bible and pray you might be like whatever but it helps:) it truely does i promise with all of my heart just open your eyes and see that you would never truely hate yourself at all:) god will be there waiting for you to turn to him and you will:) even though you might not believe in god doesn't mean that god doesn't believe in you he loves you! and you love yourself to i no you do so dont think i hate myself because i know that you dont at all! god will help you just pray to him and he loves you and you love him open your eyes and see god and yourself for who you truely are=] explain to your friend that you are truely sorry and pray to god that he will forgive you and tell your friend that he means the world to you and you dont mean all the stuff you siad and didn't mean to do all those things i know all of this sounds chessy but its true! it really is just open you eyes and find god i will pray for you=]

  7. join a team, club,or watever

    where u can take yur anger out =]

  8. Do something you can be proud of yourself about. Get a hobby trust me. Prefferebly one that is built on teamwork. Go learn a martial art or join your cadets/scouts. There brilliant ways to meet people and you'll have loads of freinds before you know it.

    Trust me. I know from past experience.

  9. get a counseling

  10. go to a phycologist

  11. Try listening to yourself. Rethink what you've said.

  12. This may sound odd, but talk to a person who you don't have a close relationship with (not via the internet though..).  Whether its a doctor, or a new friend, or school counselor.  Getting advice from people you do not know broadens your perspective a great deal.. But you might really want to consider getting professional help, it really works.

  13. Music

    let it speak to you

    let it calm you

    let it be your high

    let it set you free

  14. Sweetheart, I know that  kind of pain.  God, I know it only too well.  I have a few problems, and if you want to know about them, you can check my profile.  I hated myself for so long, and the mother that I never knew for causing so much of what is wrong with me.  I didnt have any friends until somewehre during  middle school.  I had a bad break up with a guy that I thought loved me, only to find out that he was nothing like he appeared to be.  It hurt, enough that I had to go intothe hospital for a while, because I wanted to end my pain the only way I thought I had.  It took ten years for me to come out of that hard and deep deopression.  I isolated myself for almost ten years because I never wanted to feel that again, and I thought that all I would ever feel is hurt and bettrayal, so if i had no 'real' freinds, then i wouldnt hurt.  My life has changed a lot since then.  In he last two weeks of September, my wonderful darling  boyfriend and I are going to say I do.  He saw soemthing in me that I didn't know was there.  He was the one that started my heart beating again.  All  i ask is that you think about this, what i hav shared with you.  I dont care if you think i have the bbest answer or not.  I don't care about any points for answering your question.  What i care about is you, and how much you sound just like i did.  I won't tell you that you need to get counseling or talk ot your parents or go into a psych hospital for adolescents like i did.  I am just asking you t think about these things, and if you decide  you need help, then ask for it.   no one wil lthink you are weak or stupid or anything negative.  you'd be surprised how many others wish htey had the courage you have to do this much. Please, for me, someone you don't know, and probably will never meet, think about this, OK?

  15. go to the doctor talk to parents someone anyone who cares

  16. tell your him or she that aim late because  i had some work to do waiil your late be hes freind!

  17. You have depression. I know it's hard, but ask your parents if you can see a psychiatrist. You can get help. Whether it's from medication or just from talking to someone who is completley unconnected to you in every way.


    PLZ ANSWER;...

  19. go to a doc and they might give you med

  20. Get some sun in a park where there are little children playing.

    You'll feel better in a flash.

    Computers give off too much electricity and mess with blood system -- heats it up.

    So break away, get some fresh air and a little breeze.

  21. First stop saying you hate yourself. That's not helping your problem one bit. Next, the friend that means alot to you, let them know your issue and how you feel about them instead of what you say when you are mad. I assume your not in highschool yet. So if you take this problem to highschool, life is not going to be as dandy as you'd like for it to be. So try calming down, meditating, listening to music etc. When you get mad, walk away. Think of all the hurtful things you say, and say something nice instead.

  22. Hey there dont beat yourself up, there are so many others going through the exact same issues as you. Growing up isnt always black and white and it may take some time to figure out whats going on. your still so young and dealing with a whole new set of hormones that can throw you a little out of whack but dont sweat it you will naturally grow in to them. Give credit where it is due you know this friend is loyal if he sticks around. if your with someone that cant handle you at your worst then they dont deserve you at your best so kudos to the friend you mentioned. A lot of these anger issues could be from keeping them bottled up try writing in a diary, expressing your feelings through art or poetry or maybe just time set aside to reflect on yourself. i hope that everything works out okay for you. best of luck

  23. I use to waste my life too on the computer, it's not worth it, get out more. Eat healthy and get exercise you will feel much better. Everytime you get angry put a dollar in a jar an d that'll be towards a car! you'll be glad you did that, I wish I would have ahah.

    you will feel better if you get more sun (vitamin D) you need that or you won't ever feel right.

  24. huh? what? look i just needed some points. thankx.

    but seriously, u should love urself.

  25. you cant help urself, u need outside help to teach how to express ur anger in different way that is not dangerous or harmful. good luck buddy.

  26. well that is really good that you want to get help! especially for someone your age....

    you might need to talk to your parents about getting you some counseling... their might be something wrong in your hypothalamus, which is the part of your brain that controls anger.... my brother had a similar problem, and it turned out that it was because he was born prematurely. if your parents arent that concerned about it, then talk to your counselor at school. they can definitely help you... and try to be nicer to your friend... talk to him about it, instead of being mean... especially since you know it is :) your just growin up... and it sucks but in a couple of years it will be better... i promise... .

    good luck :)

  27. one word. youth group. u need god in your life. i could go on forever but that would be annoying. go to a youth group

  28. Why are you mad? Try to answer that question and maybe you can start changing. Just hang on. Once you get older you'll find there's so much more to life and things will be different. Either way I've dealt with angry people. I have brothers that are so short tempered and if you need to vent I can deal with it.

  29. talk to maybe some relatives or your friend. School conselour, or get counseling

  30. definitely try catching yourself before you become angry. if you can rethink you can help yourself. maybe try to see a councler or someone you can really trust to talk to. never give up on what you do. also get involved in something. anything you are interested in. simply try thinking happy thoughts. do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face. you will find it's not too hard to do. if you try there will always be a way to keep from hating yourself.

    i hope i helped and best of luck!!


  31. Think positive and always remember that you do not have to impress anybody but yourself. Be happy with you, because you are the only one that has to live with yourself. Say to yourself that you can do it. Practice in your mind what you want to do before you do it and it will be a lot easier. Good Luck, I am counting on you!
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