
I hate normal people!!! who hates them too?

by  |  earlier

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I totally hate them. i just cannot stand these people. They always looking for someone to make fun of just to make themselves look better. Some normal people CAN be smart, funny, talented, good looking, but they are just so NASTY, RUDE, and MEAN!!!!!! Some of the can do normal things such as:Go shopping,dating, playings sports, hanging out with friends, going to a party, playing instruments, singing, dancing,acting, activities such as college, school, camping, outdoors hiking, racing, gymnastics, sking, swiming and ALL the things that people can are considered "normal". I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM




  1. Well aren't we just the classy sophisticate.

  2. Slow down, dude...... you have some serious anger management problems there!!! I've found, however, that NOBODY is "normal" if you dig deep enough.  Everyone is strange or even downright wierd in their own way or ways: its just that some people are better at hiding the strange parts of themselves than others.

    On another level, why don't you consider yourself to be "normal", and do you secretly perhaps WANT to be a bit more "normal" and be able to do more of the fun things you list that these people like to do - dancing, hiking, racing, swiming, skiing, playing sports......?  I strongly advise you to seek out some answers to these and other questions in your life, before hatred destroys you (and trust me, nothing in the world will destroy you so quickly and completely as hate.)

  3. I hate people that are 'not normal' they are twisted

  4. I know how u feel i hate them too they just take advantage of you.

  5. yeah crackerjack, i hate myself too.

  6. maybe you hate yourself....

  7. There is No Such thing as a "Normal Person".  Everyone has quirks, whether you see them or not.  "Normal" is a VERY Subjective idea... and everyone has their own ideas of what it is.  Just be a Good "Well Rounded" individual.. that's the Best You or anyone can be.

  8. im not normal

    i am ufo

  9. OMG! Your such a steryotyper! NOBODY is "normal". everyone is different and you seriously need to take a chill pill. NOBODY KNOW WHAT THE HECH YOUR TALKING ABOUT!

  10. yeahhh I find normal people really boring. All my friends have to be somewhat crazy haha =]

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