
I hate people that have s*x and no hardly nothing about it. Meaning teenagers. Anyone else agree with me?

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I hate people that have s*x and no hardly nothing about it. Meaning teenagers. Anyone else agree with me?




  1. Yes, i agree. They do it, mess up and do it again until, they learn! When will they ever learn!

  2. I was 16 when I really became active in having s*x but I was very knowledgeable and had s*x with my boyfriend whom I loved and we waited till we were ready. So it really isn't just teens it could be anyone who doesn't know what they are doing or don't have the knowledge to be protected or what things mean when it comes to s*x. My mom taught me very well when it came to that. I was very careful, used a condom for most of the time. When that condom broke, and they do brake every once in a while, me and my boyfriend went right away to get the morning after pill. Then I got on birth control pills and still used a condom. Then when me and that same boyfriend got married we still used protection until we were ready to start a family. I do agree with you though on people shouldn't have s*x and know hardly anything about it. But some teenagers do know. Not all of them but some of them.

  3. Right on brother, i agree with you 100%, stupid teenagers.

  4. ok saying this your just giving teenagers a really bad name.

    fair enough some dont know anything and go off having s*x with about 20 boys a week?

    but does no-one start to think about the teenagers who maybe dont do that?

  5. Yes I agree with you. However, Teenagers know everything, just ask one. I managed a Pizza place, and I had a sign on the wall,  that said,"When in doubt, ask a teenager, they know everything."

  6. I knew a lady once who knew nothing about s*x.  She had never had an o****m, she believed her role was to lay there, be mounted and that's the end.  She was a grandmother.

    Some teens fall into that category, but many adults do as well.   At some point in our lives the moral majority decided that s*x was bad, and could not be discussed.  So those who do not have the desire to go against the establishment and learn about s*x, don't learn about s*x.

    Yes, there is teen pregnancy.  But there is also soaring divorce levels and unwanted children coming from parents 13 to 53.

  7. Yes, I agree. I'm fourteen and wondering how girls my age just don't give a c**p. It's really sad.

  8. i agree people seem to think its a sport and you must do it to look cool and non-fridgid,,,nah babes its something you should share with a man/woman you love and is a very precious thing because you are sharing each others bodies and that shouldnt be something just tossed around,,stupid skets and manslags

  9. Well, I am sick of 13 and 14 year olds getting on here and stating how horny they are and how they don't have anywhere to have s*x with their b/f or g/f. HEEELLLOOO PARENTS wake the h**l up. What also makes me sick is that people (especially the young kids) that get on here and ask the stupid questions about s*x like can dryhumping get you pregnant. HAHA!! I think that s*x is a risky buissness that shouldn't be done without knowledge of the simple things like condom use and ovulation cycles.

  10. I don't what people do with their lives.

  11. wats ur problem with teenagers... im sure that was u at some stage!!!!

  12. I can't stand it either. They think they're so grown-up and they don't know jack ****.

  13. I don't agree with the "teenagers" part, but I do agree that people who don't know what "ovulate" means, that precum can get you pregnant, and what size of condoms to use, should NOT be having s*x. This could be anyone, teenage, young adult. Stupid people shouldn't be having s*x.

  14. Not the teenagers, but their parents are to blame for this.  Parents need to be teaching their kids about abstaining until marriage by example.  They can teach about birth control, but the best way of teaching is by parents setting a good example and supervising their kids' dates.

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