
I hate reading so much it i droped out of college cuz i couldnt study its almost painful for me to read?

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how can i learn to love it i struggle reading through the answers cuz i hate reading




  1. You should ask an academic counselor if an aversion such as your is reversible.  It may not be, in which case you merely  use your skills along a different route.

    There are many occupations that require only minimum reading .  Among them are real estate, commercial or retail sales, electronics, building trades and art.

    The fact that you have at least reached college level is a tribute to your determination and you should be congratulated for having not dropped out during high school.

    You should now be assessed as to where your talents lie. Ask at your school where this can be done for you.

    Much good luck in your quest. You asked an interesting question.

  2. Is your problem that you can't read, don't read well or just hate it? If it is that you just hate it then you simply buy a tape recorder or use a computer recording device to read through the information one time and make your own recording. Then, you can listen to it, go back to ideas you want to review and so forth on your recording instead of having to read over and over and over. You would still have to be disciplined enough to cover the material one time or enlist a study buddy where they can do the reading while you listen and record and then you wouldn't have to read at all. But, most professions will require some reading after you graduate so you need to find out why you hate to read. If it is your skill level, then you need to buy a learn to read program or have a friend work with you on it.

  3. Hi I am a reading specialist :-). Have you ever been assessed for dyslexia? My husband has dyslexia and barely made it through college because he wouldn't read any of his textbooks. If you are around his age (30), then you went to grade school at a time when dyslexia research was very new. This is why he really didn't have good interventions to help him improve his reading. Can you give me more info on what it is like when you read? Why is it painful? What happens as you read the words? Also, there are different types of reading disorders so don't just think if you are not reversing letters and words you aren't could be something different. Let me know.

  4. Maybe you just need some practice.  Try reading for fun.  Head over to the Books & Authors section under Arts and ask for some recommendations - be sure to tell them what you might like reading (scifi, fantasy, non-fiction, biographies, etc).

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