
I hate rollercoasters, but want to ride fast ones. any tips?

by Guest63339  |  earlier

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also, any way to get rid of the feeling of rollercoasters?

anything i can do to lessen the feeling?




  1. I used to be absolutely afraid of roller coasters when I was little, because my dad dragged me on one that gave us a migraine for the whole day (and it was the first big kid roller coaster I ever went on). But the when my band class went on a field trip to six flags, I sat next to my best friend on a ride and now I love roller coasters. So what I suggest is sit next to someone that you're close to, and start slow, with slower rides, and work your way. And to get over the first big drop just close your eyes (that's how I did it for the first few times). Just remember that you need to relax and enjoy the ride, that's what they're there for.  

  2. Just remember it's really safe. The fear is in your head, your 100% safe I can assure that! I guarantee if you go on 1 fast rollercoaster, you'll get over your fear and continue to want to ride them again. I used to be scared of rollercoasters just like you, but then I took a leap of courage, went on 1 and no i'm practicaly addicted to them! It's like the main enjoyment of life, 1 of them being riding rollercoasters! Basically trust me! it's 100% safe, and you'll love it! I guarantee it! =)

  3. Uh, not much you can do. Just go with it, maybe it will grow on you. Face your fear.

  4. thats kinda like me but i just don't like big drops i hold onto the rail thing and just don't look down

  5. hold really tight on the rail thing i guess

    hold your breath

  6. Just try going on one. It is so much fun. Relax and breathe. Yeah you'll be nervous but when you finally start going the rest will be so much fun. Just know everyone has these fears and everyone gets over them at some point, and those people usually start becoming coaster fanatics. To get rid of the feeling of coasters is to start with a smaller ride and when you stop feeling the drop of that try a bigger one. Just progress from small to big and you'll be fine and ready to be a roller coaster fanatic in no time.  

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