
I hate rush limbaugh?

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I hate rush limbaugh he's the most ignorant b*****d ever. Please give me some alternate casters, who would be the opposite of Rush ?




  1. awww...poor puss, do you really?

  2. Randi Rhodes is the Anti-Rush

  3. have you checked your mirror today.poor misguided soul.

  4. rush is an druggie for the gop..i suggest Colbert

  5. You call him ignorant & you go on to ask complete strangers for alternate casters...duh.

  6. There are too many to name that are the opposite of Rush (please note that when writing a person's name it is customary to capitalize the first letter of the name).  You want opposite go to CNN, MS NBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, C-SPAN.  Don't go to FOX you won't like their conservative voices either.

  7. do you know him personally?

    I might not like is ideas

    but to hate a person, who you have never met is a little odd

  8. Randi Rhodes, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz are the best if you can here them in your area.

  9. So don't watch him.  Or do you not know how to change the channel on your TV?
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