
I hate school, how can I get out of going there?

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Is there any way I don't have to go to school? For example, could I drop out of highschool asap and still be successful in life? How? How old do you have to be to drop out, by the way?




  1. you can get homeschooled  

  2. I dropped out but i immediately got my GED. Many people are successful without high school its all about building on what you're already pretty good at doing. My life is more successful then most people ive met.

  3. Legally, you can drop out at 16. I hated high school too; I ended up transferring my senior year and I had a blast; my first day of college is tomorrow and I'm glad I stuck it out. But, if it really bothers you I would look into a transfer or a GED; you can be successful with a GED; you could go to a community college and look at their completion of high school programs as well. Talk to your parents about it, mine were understanding although I had to be tough- I had to say I was going to drop out if I couldn't transfer then they actually listened and wanted what I wanted for myself. Good luck! =] I've been there.

  4. Oh yeah, you can be successful without a HS Diploma.  You can be the top Drive Thru Window Cashier at McDonald's.

    Do us all a favor and stay in school and consider at least going to technical school and learning a trade.  Don't throw your life away.

  5. You don't have to be a certain age to drop out... you can become a bum at any age.  what do you plan on doing with your time andyou rlife when you're not going to school?  Minimum wage doesn't get you anything in today's World.

  6. Wise up, Dummy!  You cant even pump gas these days without an education.  Worse, its getting so you have to have a college education to do anything anymore.

    Its people like you who clog the welfare system with your uneducated selves who cant find work.  Or, and this is one I like the best, you do get a job and then you purposely get hurt and spend the rest of your lives on disability.  

    God, I am so glad that, as a credentialed medical professional, went to all the trouble of going into debt while getting my education and landing a good paying job so I can carry the load for worthless asswipes like you who wish to do nothing but suck up good oxygen and pollute our gene pool with your genes of laziness.

  7. Dropping out and being successful isn't easy, for those who are, got connections, lucky or they are really good at something. Stay in school, it can be really fun sometimes, everyone has bad times in school but it's life. you don't have to have a certain age to drop out, just don't even bother going to school.

  8. I wouldn't recommend dropping out. It could make it a lot harder for you to get a job, because employers look at stuff like that. Just stick it out.  

  9. If you drop out then your job options are considerably reduced. You can get your GED or something like that but you will still have to study and learn to get it. You do need a basic education as a foundation to be successful. I realize, though, that pubic school can sometimes fail at helping you learn. Again, your only other option is to learn on your own and earn your GED.

  10. In many states, you may drop out at 16.  However, that leaves you enough of an education to flip burgers or dig ditches and ditch diggers have to join a union which is hard to enter.  If you want to be a psychologist, you need to complete college and that is not possible without either a high school diploma, a GED, or an early admission.  Since you are balking at completing high school, I doubt that you have the grades for an early admission.  A writer definitely needs an education so as to be able to write in a readable manner.  An artist needs guidance in how to frame and develop a picture.  Dropping out of school leads to nothing but failure.

  11. u have a chance at being succesful if u drop out now, life is loooooong. but chances are u wont ever be, and if u are it will be harder than h**l to get that way. ittwould be much easier to just stay a kid and work towards your future. to get out of going, u could get expelled from every school u go to, it will be fun too.

  12. I wouldn't recomend dropping out, but if you do you can still finish high school by taking courses.

  13. You'll need to get a G.E.D. and then go on to college.College is NOTHING like high school.People are there because they want to BE There to learn and the trouble makers are kicked out and not allowed back.

  14. school can be fun u kno!

    just try to make lots of friends, dont be scared its gonna be ok.

    and only a few who drop out became successful. dont do it u'll regret it for the rest of ur life and no one will want to go out with a HS drop out.

    theres no age limit on droping out either....

    dont do it plz =[

  15. Stick it out dude, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't ruin it because you can't take just four more year.s nobody likes school, but we all gotta do it. Don't be a quitter!

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