
I hate school and i want to be homeschooled soo bad! how can i convince my dad?

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i'm going into 11th grade.

i hate my school. the people are stupid, gross, and dirty. the nearest private school is an hour away. The teachers make you teach yourself, anyway. so why shouldn't i teach myself online? seriously?

my dad has no idea how bad it is at my school. The teachers swear at you, the principal is an idiot (he's also the football coach.. which is what he mainly focuses on), the guidance counselor is a JOKE, all of the girls are sIuts, the guys are idiots and gross.

I always get the stupid "you have to do things you don't want to do in life." from my dad well, if i can change that, why not?! he's a lawyer, and he hates it. Well he chose to do that, i'm not choosing to go to public ******* school.

how can i convince him?




  1. show him the benefits of it.  show him you can exceed your current grades by being home schooled and even take college courses if desired.  there are options to graduate college with a 2 yr degree and high school at the same time.   if it is to benefit you and exceed your potential and he is an educated man he will not have an argument for it.

  2. I know what you mean!! Heres some links:

    This link convinced my parents to let me homeschool!!! |



  3. Here's an article about talking to your parents about homeschooling

    I don't think many adults would stay at a job where they were treated so poorly. sometimes it;s hard to see that as an adult. Continue to talk with him calmly and state the facts without all the emotion. Hopefully he'll come around.

    Best of Luck!


  4. I feel ya!! I am going thru the same thing right now! I hate my school horribly, and  i want to be online schooled. My dad is agaisnt it terribly. But my mom is for it. Its a crappy situation.

    What i did was told my dad the exact reasons i wanted to be. I gave my mom a list of what would be better if i was homeschooled, and she approves pretty much.

    When that didnt work, i gave a compromise. I said that we should try it for a month, and see what happens. If things don't work out, i don't do it. BUT if i do good, and i keep up with my chores and i don't get distracted, i keep doing it.

    Right now, my dad is "thinking" about this, but i know that he knows i'll win. I've been depressed all summer, and dropped some weight thinking about it. Its scary. But just tell him the truth. Thats the only thing that anyone can do really.

    I wish you thee best of luck, and please feel free to email me with any questions you have.  

  5. I suggest you take some classes for dual credit from a local community college like Ivy Tech or even online.   Then when you get an A in the class show him and ask him if you can enroll for more classes.   Many colleges take homeschooling students and you could earn college credit at the same time.   I dont know where you live....but check out Indiana University online high school program.  Brigham Young university also has one.   Many colleges do.  

    good luck  

  6. Hello,

    My daughter is also going into 11th grade, but she is actually going to take courses at our local community college. She is in the Dual Enrollment program. She will be earning her "AA" degree while finishing up the few high school credits she needs. I am not sure what state you are in or if this is an option for you but you may want to check into it.

    Good luck!

  7. Show him some great curriculum, that is designed for the student to teach themselves.  


    Science: Apologia Science

    English:  Many on-line courses are available

    History:  Lots of options, depending on how deep you want to go.

    If he sees that this will not be lots of work for the adults, but that YOU will do the work, save it in a file, and show it to him in the end, he will be less overwhelmed by the thought.

    There is a lot to know about credits, etc, so it is worth having a High School Homeschool Advisor.  (, then have access to their advisors and many resources).  

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