
I hate sean hannity.?

by  |  earlier

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Do you? He's a pipsqueek who hides behind a microphone--- he's why other country's hate the U.S.




  1. I am sure he is afraid of you now. He will probably quit his show since you got him so scared.

  2.   Sean   is good  he speak,s  truth.

  3. No. But I hate keith olbermann.

  4. Im sure Iran hates the US because of Sean Hannity.

    Um...what is every other reporter/commentator is Sean Hannity is a "pipsqueAk who hides behind a microphone"

    You need to listen to him some more with an open mind. He is generally right.

    P.S. If you didnt notice, the A is capitalized in pipsqueak for a reason.

    And it is "countries" not "country's"

  5. Just a smaller version of Rush who brainwashing people!

  6. Actually, I kind of enjoy his show.

    I don't always agree with him, but I think he brings up many good points.

  7. I heard he has connections to the white supremacist Hal Turner. Just rumors.

  8. Aw, come on, he's no worse than any of the other traitors on Faux "News."  Give the poor guy a break.  He's so lame he couldn't even stand up to a real liberal, so he had to get a yes-man like Alan Colmes.  The only reason he has a job is that his listeners have similar mentalities.

  9. woooooooooooooo hate is such a strong word, you are the reason i am voting republican, if i were your mama i would spank you and take away your tv and take away your crayons. shame shame writing on yahoo walls.
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