
I hate spiders and need help getting rid of them?!?

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Okay so I was just sitting reading and I just happened to think, hey I haven't seen any spiders in my room in a year, but I look on my arm and, HELLO there is a giant spider ON MY ARM! Of course I screamed and ran, then found a BUNCH in the corner under my bed. Though its strange I am a neat freak and there is nothing under my bed except a sewing box, so nothing that would attract them. Then the next day I find a spider and my sister squashes it and it sprouts babies so we spray it with spider killer and they all die. So we make my dad spray our room with insecticides but I am continuing to find spiders and I know its pitiful but I can't sleep knowing that there are spiders around me. Help????




  1. When I see spiders I usual get a fly swater of poor water on them!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I know it is bad but it works!!!!

  2. The one place they love to build nests is in pillows.  When the babies all get the right size they will all come out at once.  They like nice warm places like in your ears or up your nose.  If you dream about them, you might not be dreaming.  Did you look under your mattress?  They can be there too.  Some are so tiny you can barely see them and others move real fast.  But not to worry, most of them aren't all that poisonous, unless they try to find water in your eyes.  You could sleep outside but there are more out there too.  I'll bet you have ants too, they hang out together.  I hope this helps you.  Good luck.

  3. Have you thought about seeking psychiatric help for the fear of spiders? sounds kinda extreme ...I really don't mean any offence. I have anxiety issues I swear. For the spiders though try bombing the house ... thats what we had to do for our kitchen for ants because none of that other **** works.

  4. That sounds delightful! I would move out - forever. Away from that entire neigborhood. And sell your car just in case there's some in there too - and all your clothes - and definitely your sewing box and anything else that was under your bed. Good luck.

  5. interesting advice Brooke T.But I would scream and scream some more then tell my mom to get up in my room now because I need her to kill a spider

  6. Aww you should not kill spiders they do more good than harm, but I understand your fear as I am not partial to them either, I have heard putting conkers in the corners of the room deters them, but its not the right time of year for those yet....also I have heard they dont like Lavender oil so try putting a few drops on the floor where they like to hide.

    But dont kill them they are not gonna hurt you.

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