
I hate taking showers and I don't know why?

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I have hated taking showers (I don't take baths anymore) for as long as I remember. I prefer to have one once a week, during the weekend at night. The only reason why I would dare take a shower any other time is if it were for something important like a formal occasion. I especially hate taking baths when I'm told to, which is almost every day. Am I just weird? I don't understand why I despise baths so much.

btw, telling me to "suck it up" is not advice




  1. You're just weird.

  2. The only thing I can think of is, you don't like the feeling of being wet and you don't like the feeling of your hair being wet.  

    Well, the only thing I can tell you is to just take a quick shower daily, you know, get in do what you have to do and get out.  

  3. bathing and showering keeps you clean. Cleanliness leads to good health. I don't understand how you can possibly hate standing under a hot shower either, it feels really good in my opinion.

  4. It could be because you may have had something traumatic happen to you when you were very young around water...

    If your worried about your hygiene, you could buy some perfume, a good deodorant and wash your face before you put your make up on and just where clean clothes.

    I used to hate water from about ten to 14 because I basically almost died in a pool. I didn't shower or anything.

    It doesn't seem unlikely that something could of happened which makes you not like it. Trust me. your not weird. Maybe you'll get over it, Maybe you won't. That's all up to you.

    Good Luck :D

  5. Maybe you're a cat. ;)

    I hated taking showers when i was younger and did not have any warm water (I grew up in the Caribbean). Once I got exposed to hot showers I think I love showering a bit too much (especially in the winter when I could crank up the heat really high).

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