
I hate the beach but all my friends love it.?

by Guest56589  |  earlier

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I live in a beach community, and i feel bad because im wasting the fact that i have an really nice ocean right down the street. All my friends like the beach and go to it but i just straight up hate it, I'm afraid of deepwater (chest up) I'm afraid of rip tide, and i hate shorebreak, I feel like a total loser when my friends ask me to go to the beach and i say no i don't like the beach, and they ask me why i live here. I feel like im missing out but i just don't want to go. what do i tell them!?




  1. try it before u make conclusion,theres alot of activities beside swing in the ocean such as volleyball,suntanning,cooking in grill n hiking aroud the beach :d, kite flying etc endless posibilitys

  2. Tell them exzacly what you just said!-I'm afraid of deepwater (chest up) I'm afraid of rip tide, and i hate shorebreak! If they are true friends they will understand and try not to back talk.


  3. Just tell them you do not like the beach.  Seems simple to me.  They all probably do not like some of the things you like.  As to why you live there. Again, It is were you  parents live.  You do not have much choice.  I do not live on beach or even near one, but I imagine there are other things to do besides lay on the beach or swim in the ocean.

  4. tell them i don't like the beach

  5. Here are a few ideas:

    1.  Take swimming lessons.  Maybe you're just afraid of drowning.

    2.  If there's a lifeguard on the beach, mention to the lifeguard that you want them to keep an eye on you because you aren't a good swimmer (whether it's true or not).

    3.  You can go to the beach but stay out of the deep water.  In Oregon the water is so cold most people only go in a few inches deep anyway.  Play in the sand or go running.  Take pictures.

  6. well have you ever gone to the beach with them why not try it out before coming up with conclusions you should just go once and you will maybe like it its a fun way to hang out with your friends and hey maybe you'll have so much fun you'll forget you're in the beach

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