
I hate the bell witch?

by Guest10630  |  earlier

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Is this true!!

You light candles in the bathroom, black ones.And she suppost to give you bad luck ,and if you see her something bad will happen to you.




  1. DO yourself a favor, please do not start fooling around with things you don't understand

  2. dont mess with stuff you dont understand.

    you can bring a lot of evil into your life and sometimes it doesnt leave.

    consider this before you dabble with the 'dark arts'

  3. awww..

    who cares=p

    luck doesnt even exist. Life is what you make it dont let some riduculous things ruin you

  4. I think this is such a middle school joke. I have tried this many times over the years and never has anything "bad" happened to me. No witches in the mirror, no specter in black reaching out to grab me, no all the lights going out and some one grabbing me...none of that. The baddest thing that ever happened is one of the candles went out. I tried it with different color candles in different arrangements and still nothing but my imagination. If you stare at yourself in the mirror long enough in dull lighting your face might look just a little like it is in a "fun house" with the wiggly mirrors but that's about it. I've never actually met anybody that had a thing happen TO them, but I have met some people that get so emotional over the moment they do something to themselves (example they cut their own arms and let the blood rip into the sink...oooo scary, too weak to control their own actions or emotions..)

    Anyway, it's a bunch of halabaloo. Despite my very best efforts, there is never anything there but a reflections.
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