
I hate the way i look =( i need help?

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i'm crying right now because i hate my hair i had my body i hate everything on the outside of me... i hate my glasses....

i need to find some way to make my hair grow longer cuz its behind my neck and i dont really like that much and i need to lose a lot of weight i'm 13 and i weigh 165 pounds last time i went to the doctor. and i cant get rid of my thunder thighs or my lovehandles or my fat face.. and i am fully developed too and when i try clothes on i look so stubby in them and i'm 5'5 please help me

-i need to find some way to make my hair grow longer

-and i cant get rid of my thunder thighs or my lovehandles or my fat face





  1. Be thankful you can see, and can afford glasses.  Be thankful that you have food to fill you up.  Be thankful you have hair.  Be thankful you have internet and a computer to ask this question.  Be thankful that you get to actually go to the doctors.  Be thankful that your parents care enough about you to take you to the doctors  .Be thankful you actually get to have clothes and wear them.  Be thankful that you are still alive.

    Geezus.  Kids these days.  Stop being such a drama queen.  You are not the only person with issues and problems, even little ones like yours.

  2. dont be soo hard on yourself =)

    try these:

    and juste remember to excersise and eat right =)

  3. Don't worry about your hair.  I have really short hair too, and it looked AWFUL!!  I hated it so much.  After a week or so, it started looking alright, even almost pretty! When I went back to school, I was so shocked, so many people had the same style short hair as me! It must be some sort of fad now where I live, so don't worry about it.  For the weight, you could start exercising (a lot of cardio and strength training) so it will go away if you're dedicated to it. Good luck. :]

  4. All you have to do is try styling your hair differently until it grows out more. And try limiting yourself to less fatty foods and excercising a bit more. Also, try updating your wardrobe. It's so much fun going shopping once you've lost some weight. Use something you love as a rewards system, and so on... And all of that will help with thighs and stomach if you excercise in ways that tone certain areas, and for your face, certain hairstyles help, and different makeups and lipglosses help. And you have to try and see the good, don't focus on the bad. Ignore it.

  5. man, this sounds exactly like my friend whitney.

    she always complains about this stuff.

    shes beautiful, and overeacting, get contacts if that would help.

    your probably just seeing what your afraid of!

  6. 1st stop crying! there is no need to be that upset over something so superficial ; about your hair short hair cuts are in right now so just style it in a better way. and if you want to get rid of your  weight just try to get more active

                                                                                       Lots of Luck

  7. hmmm. ask your mom if you can go to a gym. have a friend and ask if they could run or excersise with you. ride a bike. if you are that desperate... i normally do not recomend this... you could try a diet. but don't get your hopes up high that it will work! good luck!

  8. HAIR:

    ~get extensions. i heard that hurts, though. does anyone know if that is true?

    ~use Mane And Tail shampoo and conditioner. it works like Virgin Mary (lol) it helps hair grow faster

    ~get the World's Smallest trim. i heard that if you get even the tiniest trim, it will grow faster.


    ~read this:;...


    ~breakfast: smoothie and a granola bar

    ~lunch: sandwhich, juice, fruit salad and a dessert

    ~dinner: NO fast food. SALAD first, then the course. a meal suggestion would be Chicken, rice, and corn.

    good luck!


  9. Theres no possible way to make your hair grow longer except time. And if you want to get rid of your big thighs, then try doing leg exercises, or running. < That would really help. Just exercise, and ask what your doctor recommends if you wanna lose weight.  

  10. your only 13 yrs old, dont call you self ugly cause your not, by the time u r like 18 yrs old u will lose the weight glasses acne if you have any just dont worry

    i am 14 yrs old and i am going the same thing, pimples i hate them at least you dont have a face full of pimples, i do. and i hate it  

  11. Next time you look in the mirror, please do one thing...

    See YOU not some Victoria Secret model wannabe.

    I feel exactly the same way sometime about myself..

    What I would do about your hair is get a growth cream and

    for the time being look up REAlly cute styles for short hair!

    And your only 13 so who cares how much your wiegh???

    you are at the begining of your life and how much you wiegh now

    WILL change.

    Be healthy and exersize

  12. You know what you are fine people are built different and people look different

    you are beautiful the way you are

    you shouldnt have to change that

  13. awh. you are too young to be feeling like this! what happened was that you grew faster than other girls your age... now that you are fully developed you can start working on getting your body the way that you want it... most people will always not like something about themselves... in order to lose the weight, try drinking a lot of water... at least 4 big bottles or 8 mini bottles... more if you can... what i do to make the water taste better is put some lemon in it and then it just tastes like a tart lemonade... also, if you walk around the block, or walk somewhere for 30 minutes a day, that will at least maintain your weight... then, you just need to make healthy choices.... you are old enough to know the right foods from the wrong ones! try to never ever eat fast food, because even the salads have a lot of calories..... everything will fall in to place, but you do need more self-confidence...

    your hair won't grow long fast, but try to figure out something to do with it while it's short! short hair is really cute :) i just cut 3 of my friends hair to a super short pixie cut and they love it... and FINALLY stop comparing yourself to other people, especially celebrities or others on TV. everything is so fake on television!

    here are some haircut ideas that you can try to get while your hair is short and your trying to grow it out!

    these are REALLY cute hairstyles that you should look really pretty in... i hope you feel better sweetie!

    im 19, and believe me i have been there done that... you will make it through... just have a little more faith in yourself :)

  14. First of all, you're never going to get anywhere if you're gonna be completely pessimistic. You can't constantly spew complaints to other people about your body. If it makes you feel bad, you need to actually do something about it. And remember, it could be ALOT worse...just look for the best. First things first, the obvious solution:

    Eat right and exercise. Don't skip meals or your metabolism will slow down, in which case, when you eat, you'll only gain more weight and gain it faster.

    Drink alot of water; preferably 6-10 glasses per day. Cut out any caffeine and other drinks.

    As for exercise, anything will help. Don't do anything like push-ups or sit-ups yet...that's mainly for shaping up the body which you can do later. For now, try anything like running when you can. Walk for 10 minutes a few times throughout the day. Try walking instead of taking the bus or any other moving vehicle. Bikeriding and steps also help. What I suggest is swimming and dancing. Dancing is the best and most fun way to lose weight. You can do that for about 45 minutes per day, excessively. If you do it right, I guarantee you will lose about 5-7 pounds the first week. Obviously, most of that is going to be water weight. But if you keep doing it, you should lose about 2-5 pounds per week after that, which is really good for you. As for swimming, try swimming about 20-50 laps back and forth across the pool.

    Now for your hair, there's really nothing you can do to make it grow more and faster. But you can help it by taking care of it. When you take showers, which you should be doing everyday, try shampooing it every other day. Shampoo can really dry out your hair and ruin it. Also, every weekend, or every other weekend, try snipping/trimming the ends of your hair because you're bound to have split ends and if you don't get rid of those, you're hair growth will be stunted. Avoid straightening with and iron and if you really need to, try straightening it with a blow-dryer and a brush. Keep taking hair of your hair like that and it's bound to grow.

  15. You look beautiful no matter what . Don't cry about your looks just stay pretty

  16. youre hair just needs time. maybe just wear it in a bun.

    you need to eat healthy and work out. then youll lose weight

  17. ok first of all.

    if you don't think you're beautiful, no one else will either. everyone has something they don't like about themselves. even if you don't believe it, fake it until you make it. once you start telling yourself you're beautiful, you'll feel beautiful.

    go to the eye doctor and ask if you can get contacts. they're easy to put in once you get a hang of it. if you're not able to, pick out a cute pair of glasses.

    nothing can make your hair grow faster - it's genetics - but you can fake it for awhile. get clip in extensions that match your hair color. all you do is clip them in behind your natural hair and voila! longer hair in a snap. make sure they feel like real hair though, no one wants hard, plastic hair.

    ask your doctor what you can do to be healthier. it's not how you look, it's how you feel. find some good tasting, healthy recipes online. join a sport after school. it's fun and you lose weight! :)

  18. You need to work on your mind more than your body - it sounds like you're very depressed and have low self esteem. Can you talk to a counsellor?

    If you start exercising you will get a huge boost. I was pretty unfit, fat and depressed but when I started walking, running, swimming, doing light weights and things I felt a hundred times better. 7 months later and I have the body, the energy and the attitude I want. You don't need to spend any money, you just need to get out there.

    Growing your hair will just take time. Wear it up until it does - even if you just put pieces up in a funky way.

    The thuner thighs and love handles, the fat in your face - it will disappear if you exercise and eat well. No more junk, drink water, eat fresh foods.

  19. you're pretty, just looka t gotta look between the lines.

    you know, get a bike,wear shorts, tie your hair in pony tail, and rideyour bike 2 blocks or 3.

    send me and my friends a picture of you, we'll do our best to help you!

    u\jus think yourself as pretty,and other s will see it too..

  20. you just need to excersise and get you're self esteem up! you should feel good about yourself! i used to have "thunder thighs" too...when i started taking horsebackriding lessons all my fat turned into muscle and now i don't hate my legs so much...also, riding bike is also a great way to excersise your legs! GOOD LUCK =D

  21. - i would trim a LITTle bit of the tips but unfortunately-hair doesn't grow so fast

    -to get rid of excess weight i hav a food diet thing u can follow for teens =]

    and here for food =]

    YOU ARE NOT OVERWEIGHT FOR ONE THING but if you just want to clean out your system-- that would be good! and hav self confidence i am sure u are perfect!

    hoep i helped =]

  22. Pre-natal vitamins will make your hair and nails grow a bit faster.

    You need to work out... start running and walking around your neighborhood. Join a gym.

    Your still young, your only 13! Like yourself for who you are, not what you want to be.  

  23. Get a phsyciatrist.

    Go on a diet.

    Get yourself asteem up cauze ur better than dat. :)

  24. It sounds like you need a complete make over!!

    Step1:Run, jog or walk. Using your legs to do exercise is one of the most effective means of getting into shape. Running, jogging and walking don't require any kind of entrance fee or special supplementary diet.

    Step2:Participate in community sports. Pick-up basketball games, recreational soccer or neighborhood softball games are ways to get into shape for free. Frequently, members of the team or community will have all the required equipment, so all you need to bring to the game is yourself.

    Step3:Use natural weight to beef up. For every fancy machine and expensive piece of weightlifting equipment in a gym, there is a free alternative lying around your home or neighborhood. If you have pets, shoulder pressing large bags of pet food, for example, is an excellent replacement for dumbbells. Lifting other things like tires, sandbags and sand-filled water bottles is an excellent substitute for any piece of iron in a gym. You can also do push-ups and isometric exercises to build muscle mass.

    Step4:Eat intelligently. It's true that protein powders, dietary supplements and sports drinks will assist your exercise sessions and help get you in shape. But it's also true that smart eating will do the same thing. Tuna fish and yogurt, for example, are packed with healthy protein and amino acids that are comparable to what's found in protein powder. Vegetables, fruits, water and milk will provide you with all that you need to get in shape.

    The best way to grow your hair out is to condition it and take vitamins.

    As for the glasses: get contacts!!

    And a great way to lose your love handles and thunder thighs are crunches, push ups and leg lifts!!

    Even if you are on th pudgy side, the one thing you dont do is straighten your hair or pull it all the way back. Curl it, ot put it half way up, but lose. Infact, the looser the clothing, the better!!


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