
I hate these girls..?

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Okay,I am 13 years old and I started highschool last week.There is this group of girls that are in our class.They talk about ALOT OF PEOPLE ALMOST EVERYONE THEY SEE!!(They don't talk about me,at least not to my knowledge.)They are so ugly and fake it doesn't make any sense.We got this new girl in our class friday and one of the girls was saying something about her because she has a few starnds of grey hair.I wanted to go oup and slap the c**p out of her.I hate that they make people feel bad and intimidate them.How can I deal with these tramps for the rest of the school year?




  1. omg mee too im 14 =] and  i no wat u mean...welll... **** themm..once high school is over no one will want them. ( even boys)

    and people will see them for who they really r..for now though try ur best to ignore them and to make u feel better talk about them to everyone u no..pick out there flaws and then they'll no how it feels =]

    please help on my ?;...

  2. they'er simply posers, trying to act like 'mean girls' casue they think thats what us popular girls do in highschool, well its not, and they think that everyome likes them, well they dont, trust me, most people probably hate them, All girls gossip, but to that extent- not way! just dont pay attention to them, as soon theyll realioze- or not, that people dont liek them

  3. tell them they are ulgy snobs.


    i crack myself up

  4. Welcome to the world of cliques.

  5. I have the same problem. i started homeschool because of it. try not to worry to much, they are just stupid bimbos who think there cool, but there not. try to stick of for the people they make fun of to be nice too.

  6. Those kind of girls are bad.  Best to ignore it or when you see them picking on someone just say "Well, it's not as bad as your (Name something wrong with them)".  They'll soon learn to not do it... at least not around you.  

  7. get back at them go up and hit them  

  8. if u are 13 how are you starting highschool?? yyou must have skipped a grade or somthing right?

  9. Right, just ignore them, I feel sorry that just gossips are making their lives meaningful!

  10. ahhh. The middle school drama. They only talk about other people to make themselvs feel better. What you do is you walk up to them when they annoy you and say,"LOVE YOURSELF" In a firm and serious tone. then walk away. they might look at you weird but trust me,they know what's going on.

  11. Why does their behaviour matter to you?

    You're not going to be their friend.

    They aren't talking about you.

    I think you should go your own way and let them go theirs.

  12. They just feel bad about themselves so they gotta put down other people to feel better about themselves.

  13. ignore them!

    there small minded pathetic little girls.

    if you ever hear of them saying anything about you.. let it go over your head.. your bigger then they will ever be

  14. Hi

    quite tough if you step on them they will come for yuo

    even yuo don't steop on them they may also come for you

    report also tough becuase they didn't do anything "wrong" that the principle or teach er can punish them

    this is their attitude and group power

    this kind of group will only be deal with by anyothjer group talking bad onb them

    the strongest wins

  15. it's because of their own insecurities. just go up to them and tell them off - they'll get the idea.

  16. Just go up to them and point out everyone of their flaws, tell them how fake they re and how you think that they are complete and total biznatchez. Or just ignore them.

  17. Ignore them. Report them. They're b*****s. I assume everyone else, not just you, hates them. They'll get what they deserve.  

  18. Ignore them. Don't put yourself way down to their level. Their actions will repay them back someday.

  19. Don't worry, they'll probably grow up to work at mcdonalds or be prostitutes.

  20. just ignore them, i had the same problem in one of my classes, all three of the girls ended up fat and pregnant by idiots...   the wonders of myspace, huh?  they live life thinking they are better than everyone else, but its costs them the ability to see them selves.  they will grow up to be hollow and pathetic people because after highschool, they will have no one to pick on.

  21. well the way i see it you have two options

    1. kill them (not advised in anyway, but you gotta admit it would get the job done)

    2. find some kinda dirt on them and start to spread it around.  if you can't find any, make it up, as long as more then you and a couple friends hear about it, it will become true.  ruin they're preppy, bitchy little lives for the next four years, then forget about them when you graduate.

  22. well i bet they are insecure of the fact that they arent hot or rich or cool, so they do teachers call it rejecting ur fears for others becasue they want to be cool, but they arent  

  23. lol

    These people exist everywhere

    Pro tips: Don't descend to their level, don't pay them any attention (That's what they are after) and don't back down if they confront you

    Good luck! And thankyou on behalf of the world for not being one of those people

  24. kick their a55

  25. its okay the people you hate will eventually go to h**l :P

  26. they are freaks, and they are showing their insecurities, so who cares what they say they are already self conscious enough.

  27. Well then you know they prob talk about you.

    Welll, I have b*****s like that in my school. A LOT of them. The only thing you can really do is ignore them and hang out with your friends. If you start stuff back you're considered just as immature. It's hard not to though, I know:)
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