
I hate this ARGH. Why me.

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So i was at the supermarket with mum to get some things for lunch and i didn't pick up homebrand flour and mum goes GET HOMEBRAND ITS CHEAPER really loudly and so i walked off with the trolley while she went to get homebrand flour and i was looking for something and she comes back and at the top of her lungs she goes "You've been nothing but a little ***** all day i want to throw this flour at you and then she walked out and left the trolley there. and shes said i'm not coming on holidays and she picked up my sister and dumped me at home and went and got mcdonalds. Shes not taking me anywhere and basically she doesn't care about me anymore. also my mum and dad always make fun of me. its my birthday on friday and at this stage its going to be a S****y 13th birthday.




  1. The same kinda thing was happening to me like a year ago.

    I just wrote a really long letter to my rents, that said everything i was feeling. I didn't hold anything back. And i left it on their pillow.

    They read it, and confronted me. It made things alot better.

    I had to write a letter, because i'm not really close to my parents where i can sit them down and have a 'heart-to-heart' so i just wrote me feelings. Let them confront me.  

  2. im so sorry to hear that...


    ...hadda share it.

  3. some parents can be an *** sometimes. Or maybe its because they are just having fun and mean no harm, and they dont know that you dont like it. i went through it and im still going through it. ive set a boundary with my folks and now they dont mess with me

  4. Their just messing with u my dad makes fun of me all the time but i know he doesnt mean it. Its called playing around it may seem like their not but they r. This is just one incident and u should try too talk things over wit your parents if youre really having problems about this.

  5. Im sorry your having family problems. They can really suck. The best you can do is have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents and explain how you feel. Believe it or not, they do love you and want the best. Good luck!

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