
I hate to post this but, Margarito test POSITIVE...

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for a granite chin and nothing more haha

both cotto and tony came out clean as a whistle for roids. now everybody can shut up about this stupid rumor




  1. Sugar Shane Mosley also came back clean on all his tests but he was outed as a user of illegal performance enhancing drugs during the Balco investigations. The problem with doping is that there are so many drugs that can be used to enhance strength and stamina and the current tests don't test for them. He then admitted he was using this performance enhancing drug during many of his fights giving him super human stamina and strength. The people in the know, feel Margarito was using some drug that night.  

  2. come on turn it in.

  3. ****PUERTO RICANS**** Where's your apologies???? Now you're liars and cowards! Shame on you! LOL!!!  

  4. Add Big Cajones and Warrior Mentality to that.....

  5. Awesome. Cotto didn`t make excuses neither should his fans.

  6. let it go ace it will be ok soon. It take a while for the pain to go away I understand.

  7. That's why they test for it says, "The people in the know, feel Margarito was using some drug that night."  Too bad he can't name the "people in the know."

    Margo is well known for his high punch output, stamina and granite chin.  It's not like he has been a slow starter who hit the canvas every time he got hit with a jab.  He fought the way he has always fought.  So now when he beats up a popular PR fighter, people "in the know" say he was using drugs!

    It's a good thing fighters are better sports than their "fans" are.  

    Maybe we should revisit the Rumble in the Jungle and examine Ali's "rope-a dope" tactic to see just what that "dope" really was.

    If you watched the fight and/or the replay tonight, you will hear Manny Stewart predicting early on that Cotto would have trouble keeping up his early pace, that he couldn't hurt Margo, and that Margo would come on late in the fight -- which is what he always does.  

    We don't need this kind of c**p, so take a hike.  If your guy wins, he's the greatest fighter ever to set foot in a ring.  If he loses, his opponent was using drugs.


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