
I hate to say this, but when I saw a Disney movie in Japanese subtitles, there WAS swearing! You believe me?

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The movie was "Beauty and the Beast". Originally the line was "doggone it", but it apparently got translated to "pissed off" when seen in the subtitles.

Other Disney movies might do this too! Like most anime does.




  1. I've found this in many movies, not only Disney. Sometimes the translations are a little confused and sometimes certain cultures don't see certain words as bad as others, thus resulting in a swear like translation.

  2. Pissed off is swearing?

    Doggone it is an American term, so I'm not surprised that it would be changed for Japanese audiences.

    Japanese wouldn't understand what Doggone it means. They would not understand the reference that it's a slightly nicer form of God d**n it.

    Also most anime does not have subtitles with cursing when translated from English.

    Anime has cursing in it and the subtitles reflect that. The curses are removed for the dub because of censoring.

  3. maybe japanese likes making fun of disney

  4. japanese cartoons usually do have a more vulgar attitude towards cartoons. they are brought up differently and think its ok for their children to have it. they can handle it better than our children. well its up to them.

  5. really that's not high in a swearing list, since when did pissed off become a swear word?

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