
I hate umpires!!?

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they always picking on fev.... i no hes a bit agro:P but i mean how many times has he been pushed in the back nd they just say "play on,play on" nd im just thinking wtf??!!! as a carlton supporter it makes me rely angry wat is ur opinion??




  1. i agree but if Brendon wants a fair go he will need to join a interstate club

  2. I agree.

    However I think his constant pleading and arguing works against him.

    Umpires are only human, and natually don't like being told what to do.

    If he ignored the umpires (especially when he isn't paid a kick he deserves) and played purely for the ball, he would get more frees.

    Just look at Judd and Kerr. They have eyes only for the ball at all times, never appeal, and consequently the umpires look after them.

  3. Its not the umpires I hate (except umpire Goldspink), ITS THE BLOODY RULES AND RULE CHANGES that happen every single year.

    Because of these rule changes, the game is going too soft.

    Anyway going back to your question, the umpires certainately have their favourites, unfortunately Fev is not one of them.

    It pisses me too, when umpires are giving far more free kicks these days. Its bullsh*t, (and it seems like they have to meet their quota for the game or else they will be suspended) and the umpiring board should look at these rules and listen to the people (supporters) about the way the game is heading.

  4. they are needed though

  5. I hate umpires to they just follow the crowd so they can be liked and not hated for once!!!!!

  6. Agree with all the answers above.

    The Fev is a bit like Matty "oh look at me, I've been pushed...look...look...LOOK!!!" Lloyd, everytime he doesn't mark the ball (whether he deserves a free or not) he looks to the umpire and complains that he didn't get the free...Fev needs to just keep playing and not mention it. If he's not getting deserved free kicks, someone else will start talking about it and the umpires will keep a closer eye on things, BUt I'm sure everytime he goes berko at an ump, they're probably thinking, "Oh man he's whinging again!"

    I HATE the hand in the back rule, and I can tell you the umpires are already getting lax on calling it (just like the slapping arms/hands instead of the ball rule). Why the powers that be figure we HAVE to change a few rules every year is beyond me?!? If we're going to work on the rules of the game before every season, let's work on the ones we've got and stop adding ridiculous new ones and completely ignoring the ones that don't work!

  7. So do i. Umpires are a bunch of dummy's and have no idea what the rules are.
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