
I hate where i live,i need help?

by  |  earlier

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i live with my grandma and i can't take it anymore.i want to live but i have no where.people tell me i can say with them but i feel like there lying or i will just be in there way. so i decided i want to leave.i have never been so sure about.and i think i should go to foster care just until i'm 18 cause i'm 17 me what should i do




  1. Stay with your Grandmother. A year goes by fast as does childhood. Stay until you are an adult.

  2. go to you're local social services and if you have valid reasons WHY you don't want to live w/ your grandma then they will place you into a temporary home. but if it's not too long before you're 18 i'd stick it out and start saving money by getting a job so you can move out when you turn 18. it can't be that bad. having A home is better than being homeless. trust me i know.

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