
I hav 2 xtra tickets to the red bulls v barcelona game tonight and i have no one to give them too, what doido?

by  |  earlier

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i asked lik ten of my friends and now i hav 2 tix left and i dont know what to do




  1. sell them outside at the match

  2. sell them on eBay

  3. sell them at the stadium

  4. scalp them outside the stadium.  u could probably make some good money

  5. Hi,

    Normally when you get to a game like that, there are people out side wanting and asking if you yhave extra tixs, because they want them. and when you get there normally people will try to buy the tixs, from you, so trust me you could make some money and take the tixs to the game and let someone buy them from you!!

    This is what I'd do

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