
I hav a debate soon wat can i say if sum1 says animals die in bushfires wats sumfin good i can say about that?

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my debate is about sending mandatory imprisonment for lighting bushfires, we are the negative side, if they say somethin like bushfires kill animals wat can i say back, please help anything will do




  1. Those dead pre-cooked animals can be sent to feed starving children in Africa.

  2. Fires can devastate the natural balance within a forest and that includes all the insects and animals as well as of course, the plants.  Because the natural balance is destroyed or at least put into imbalance it may take decades before it regains a stable state - and we don't know what the long-term effects might be.  Animals might be killed, and they may repopulate the area, a weak argument that you can use, but it sometimes takes a very, very long time, nor if it can ever occur.  

    By the way, it's okay if you lose the debate - apparently you have the side that is arguing that killing animals through arson is okay.  Well, it's not.

    Burning your house down intentionally is illegal, even if it gives another person or business the opportunity to buy your property and build another, better house!!

  3. Nature has no conscience. Nature is brutal. It is man that is intruding and stopping nature from working. Forest fires are a part of nature. Before man populated and built roads and cities, wild fires would burn for months and cover thousands of square miles. They were usually started by lightning. They kept the forests healthy and were a natural occurrence.

    Population growth and land development causes much more damage to to earth than nature ever did.

  4. Hot lunch for the fire fighters

  5. Those animals will no longer produce flatulence to exasperate the global warming process.

  6. If bush fires kill animals they should have Bush impeached or vote him out of office. There's no sense in a president behaving like that.

  7. Look, as the first, animals are so clever and so wise and they got instinct. With this instinct they got precognition about any danger, including and fire. When it happens they will run away from this area. But REAL PROBLEM is that they will lose their accomodation places and sources for the feeding because after the fire in the woods or forests or bushes in this area will remaining nothing. And animals have to migrate in new area. In same time, burned area looks so sad and for our eyes and this area need hundered years to recover its vegetables. Veradisca & Best Regards, Neven.

  8. Always remember humans are animals too.  And, the urban caves we live in too.

  9. Here in California and elsewhere around the world brush fires are an integral part of the ecosystem.

    There are hundreds of species of plants and animals which have evolved to coexist with regularly occuring fires. Certain types of plant seeds will only germinate when they have been exposed to high temps such as those that occur with ground fires (Ceonothus or California Lilac is just one example).

    Also brush fires clear away built up plant matter such as dead grass etc. which prevents new plants from sprouting.

    One of the problems with the National Park Services Smoky The Bear Campaings of complete fire suppresion was the build over the decades of so much unburned fuel that when a fire did inevitably occur it burned much hotter and over a much wider area than it would have in the past. Hope that helps

  10. Oooh - tough luck of the draw!  It's hard to do the negative arguements sometimes.

    One approach might be that much like other fires that occur naturally, animals that are too old, too young or not healthy do die in fires and it is sad.

    However, the chemicals that result from the remains of plants and animals burned by fire will be absorbed into the ground and processed through natural process, providing a revitialized nutrition basis for new growth and revigorized feeding grounds for the remaining animals in a couple of years.  The reduction of animal population will spark an increase in breeding in the next couple of seasons.  The offspring will be from healthier parents, thereby strengthing the population's overall health.

    Mind you, I'm not saying that I think people should be allowed to light fires and devestate the homes of people and animals without being punished for their actions.

    This is just a possible defense to help you out in a truly unenviable assignment.

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