
I hav an irregular mences cycle. any suggestion??????

by  |  earlier

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is it commen or should i consult a doc.... gaps r of 30 dys ,31days,29days.... an so on




  1. 29-31 days menstrual cycles are usually considere normal, as long as they are no more than 2-3 days apart.

    To make sure you may want to use the cycle regularity tool and make sure you know the exact dates:

  2. Hi Sweet 18

    The query that u have is not at all soemthing u need to be worried about could bea little late at times or extended due to physical or chhange of environment and diet....

    For further information please write me at

    I shall be glad to assist you with your query - Please do not forget to mention your name ( You can use a screen name to protect your identity ) - your age - s*x - Location - and the exact nature of your problem -



  3. i dont think its that irregular.but if u feel its that way then i would suggest u just go & get a scan done just to rule out polycyctic ovaries.

  4. 29-31 days variation is not very irregular. That's pretty normal. Some women have a 20-day followed by a 45-day. THAT'S irregular!  

  5. irregular periods wud mean..that u have long gaps b/w ur periods which r not always the same..long period wud mean 2 months to 3 months at a stretch...or that u always got ur periods at the same time n now the gap has become more or less...if ur worried about ur situation get a chk up done from a gud gynac to rule out all ur worries...

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