Ok, I'm in the UK and I' m sure everyone knows about the credit crunch by now. I wanted to invest in property but it's proving VERY difficult to find a mortgage right now so I'm almost giving up. I have tried to look for buy to let mortgages but that means the property would have to be worth about £100 000 which is ok, but the rental figures are not stacking up since the interest rates are so high.
So I am stuck with £20K in my bank account and only will power is stopping me from going shopping.
I have tried to look at overseas property but I'm not sure if buying in Cyprus or the US is the way to go. Florida right now looks good with prices having fallen by almost 50% on some developments, but I am still unsure what I would get back. I cannot lose the capital.
I recently saw something in the paper about investing in Oil, does anyone know more about it? Would I lose my money? Is it high risk?
What other ideas? thanks in advance.