
I have 1 cockatiel and 3 budgies all have seperate cages they enjoy each other and good companions?

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My male budgie called Sammy is acting strange, he is all puffed up and sleeping nearly all the time. He is in a large cage with his female called Tammy and I was wondering maybe that he has mated and is just tired.... can any one help me with this as I am worried about the little fellow.

Also I have 2 other cages with 1 male bird called Billy he is fine but am on look out for a female bird to keep him company, and alas Spike the cockatiel which I just love, all our birds are treated well.

But it is Sammy boy that I need help with.





  1. call the vet and ask for advice... it might be cold also, or trying to sleep. is it sitting on the bottom of the cage? if so he is a very sick bird and needs to get to the vet asap!

  2. Sammy needs to see an avian vet as soon as possible.  This is not normal mating behavior.  A fluffed, sleepy bird is very likely an ill bird.

    Good luck with Sammy!


  3. im sorry to hear that. I would separate the sick one. Just in case is something that other birds can contract. I would take him to the vet i know thats not the answer you were lookin for. But thats the only thing i can tell you. Birds dont show they are sick untill its all ready 2 late.

       Hope it gets better and i hope it isnt notjing major. maybe they gonna give him some antibiotics if its an infection and if the bird is in pain they probably gonna give him some valium. Good luck keep m e posted please.

        I know how it feels my parakeet had a seizure 3 months ago and the vet told me only 10 % chance of surviving. But guess what he survived

        Try to separate him and put him in the nice and quiet place and make sure its warm too. Please keep me posted. Wish him well  

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