
I have 1 red ring on my xbox 360..would this work?

by Guest34214  |  earlier

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What if I overheat it to make it 3 red ring, then send it in for repairs, then when I get it back, call them and tell them I have 1 red ring now, but tell them I didn't have it before, so it'll be like they did something. Would this work instead of me having to pay the $100 for them to fix it?




  1. Um, that's called fraud.  You don't think they keep records of the repairs they do?  And they wouldn't know if your unit was intentionally over-heated?  Pay for the repairs.

  2. i say just throw it against the wall

    then track down bill gates and beat hisass

  3. yo man 1 ring means **** man only three ring will **** up your 360 1 means nothing relax man its not broken or begaining  to  brake you heard.

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