
I have 1 row of sweet corn in my garden, do i need to detassle it or pollinate it?

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I have 1 row of sweet corn in my garden, do i need to detassle it or pollinate it?




  1. corn is pollinated by wind and sweet corn should really be planted in groupings of 4 to 6 closely spaced rows (12" to 18" apart) to ensure good pollination as each tassle needs to be pollinated to produce each kernel.  A poorly pollinated crop will have corn with few kernels on the cob.

  2. You will have better luck if you take a paintbrush and spread the pollen around to the different ears.

  3. I believe you'd better do some hand pollinating.  Next time plant corn in blocks and let the wind do the pollination for you.

  4. I don't think so, I had the same and somehow it all ended up producing corn with no intervention.

  5. Why bother it?  Let Mother Nature do its thing!

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