
I have 10 million dollars to give away. What should I do with it?

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can anyone recommend a trust worthy charity




  1. Buy a brain, like the scarecrow.....  duh.  Of course what you should do and what you can do, may not be the same.  For a purely hypothetical situation, you should give it to someone else who knows how to give, where it can be used to help people now and in the future, not put into any so called charity that will swallow a lot of it in administrative avenues or oversight but actually get into the hands of those who can benefit the most.  If you think you want do good in some way by donating to your favorite group, you'd be wasting much of it and doing little in the long run unless your goal was single-minded and went only for that purpose.  For instance, if you wanted to help save polar bears from extinction you would have to narrow your participation down to the purchase of a preserve-like zoo to keep the place operational or else not charge visitors and find that you couldn't pay the real estate tax or polar bear food and water bill.   If you wanted to do something more humanitarian, I suggest education.  Teach them to fish and they'll never go hungry.....  I think every neighborhood should have its own garden and water supply to actually sustain itself; that is what I would do.

    To whom much is given, much is expected.

  2. charity

  3. Pick a few charities and causes, like AIDS, cancer, guide dogs, pick ones that really need the money, perhaps donate it to a country to build schools or hospitals nad install waterlines or electricity, or sponsor a few children's  education.

  4. Ok I don't believe you. You are just saying this because you want to see what people will say. We all could use some extra $ but if you had $10 million,  the right thing to do would be to give it to a charity you trust.

  5. give it to me!!! LOL no just kidding

    you should seriously donate it to your fave charity. or give it to a family member and give them financial security for life.

    : ) hope that helped!!


  6. give it to charity because they need the money. or maybe you could help a friend that needs help like a homeless person so they could at least afford a house, an apartment room, or a condemenium.

  7. Do something great,

    Do something you should be proud of...

    Make a project on SELF HELP GROUP....


    A old home + orphanage+ home for widows.....

    old people taking care of widows/widower..even marrying them

    widows taking care of orphans,adopting them

    All forming a socio-economic group ...helping them selves and creating their own house made products,and market them to carry on more and more responsibility of new comers

  8. Hello you could put a few million into research of autism this is such an awful waste of life for many.And lots more disabled services and resorces are needed in australia.More awareness of autism is needed and the future generations need to train in more specialised areas such as occupational therapy,speech therapy,physio ect.Without that what will the future hold for families of autistc or intellectually impaired children.

  9. Give it to a charity you like.

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