
I have 11 points. 3 for speeding and 8 for no insurance all got last year is there anyway to get some removed?

by Guest56908  |  earlier

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I have 11 points. 3 for speeding and 8 for no insurance all got last year is there anyway to get some removed?




  1. You shouldn't be on the road,its people like you that cause road accidents.Its your own fault,you got what you deserved you idiot.

  2. no chance, they would not consider removing them as they are there to teach you a leasson as in - dont do it again!

    i presume you have now been banned for repeat offences so the worst will still be to come- insurance companies dont like ppl that have in10's so you will get massive premiums for the next 5 years if they even insure you

  3. Take a driver safety course or a defensive driving course.  Most states they will take roughly 3 points off for these, but you can only do them like once a year or once every couple years depending on the state.  Check your DMV, and get some insurance.  You should never even consider driving without insurance.  Look at how much better shape you would be in had you just gotten some insurance.

  4. You get them removed when the law thinks you have been punished enough.

    Personally I think you should have been banned for driving without insurance.

  5. If you have eight for no insurance should not ever drive.

  6. maybe if you spend some $$$ and take a driver's safety course.

  7. nope. u gotta wait till your like 25 b4 they clear it or something like that.

  8. Absolutely!

  9. in the USA most states have a school to remove points ..check ur DMV

  10. Nope! Not straight away. You will have to wait 3 years for the speeding points. Not sure about the insurance. You will have to check the DVLA website.

    Good luck getting insurance in the future!

  11. you should of appeared in court to explain with some c**k and bull story and they might of reduce the amount then. but as of now they'll be spent in three years from the date and you can have them remove off your lisence after 4

  12. Not unless you know a bent copper who's prepared to take a bribe. Or to put that another way, not unless you know a copper.

  13. The only one who can remove them is the DVLA and they will not do that until they EXPIRE, dates which you should have been notified of when you got them.

  14. you shouldn't be in a car mate

  15. Most points start to come off after three years, your just going to have to live with them for another two, & even then you have to declare all previous points to your insurance company for 5 years. In other words you are screwed for for at least the next 4 years, you probably deserve it too!

  16. Isn't the answer simple ... if you can't be bothered to insure your car like the rest of us then suffer the consequences!  As for speeding you should have had your driving license taken off you and made to take your test again!  Learn by your mistakes and if you can't don't drive!!!

  17. Nope. Both sets stay on your licence for 4 years from the date of the offence, and are valid for "totting-up" for 3 years.

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