
I have 12 year old daughter pls help?

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a 24 yaer old guy has the eyes for my 12 yaer old daughter,my daughter seems to like the guy as well.what should i do to stop this?




  1. Have a talk with the 24 yr old guy.

    Also have a talk with your daughter.

    The guy needs to know that you are aware of what is going on and that he will end up being a play thing for an inmate named "Bubba" long before he has a chance to make your daughter his play thing.

    Talk to your daughter about pedophiles and things that go bump in the night.  One of the worst problems with todays instant communication devices called "The Internet" is the breaking down of the "Don't Talk To Strangers" rule.  In my home, I enforce it still, but to many its an archaic relic of the past.  It set up barriers, both for people you do not know, and for those you do know.  It made everyone that was not a member of your family, suspect.  Back then, a 24 yr old making eyes at a 12yr old was considered a pedophile immediately.... end of story.

    Finally, you should talk to the cops.  Find out if this guy is a registered s*x offender, or if he is under suspicion.  Remember the "Registered s*x Offender" list is a joke.   It represents the ones stupid enough to get caught, and is a very small minority, however the cops know who has been caught and not convicted, and those who have not been caught but are considered suspicious, and while they probably can't tell you too much, they will tell you whether or not you need to increase your vigilance.

  2. call the cops if he has broken the law. If he hasn't yet just keep you kid away form him

  3. Say no!!!! She is 12. My 12 year old daughter would not be allowed to be with a 14 year old boy in a romantic way much less a 24 year old!

    If he is doing anything inappropriate but you do not believe the police will do anything then threaten him with calling the police. If he gives you any lip get a restraining order!!!

    This is outrageous. Do all you can to get in between him and her. But lovingly explain to her (since she is likely infatuated and misguided but has not done anything wrong yet) that this is not good for her and adult men are not always good guys and you are protecting her. Then hopefully she will not see you as the bad guy.

    If she claims she actually likes him and thinks there could be something there tell her infatuation sometimes feels that way but a 24 year old man is in a totally different place in his life than a 12 year old girl. That if she was 24 and he was 36 it would not be so bad -- you would both be adults (and if she wants to moon over them being together when she has doubled her age -- let it go -- it is annoying but it will pass). But that a 24 year old who takes an interest in a 12 year old girl simply has something wrong with him and that he needs to stay away from her to let her grow and develop and be a kid.

    And then (sigh) if they still are into each other when she is 18 there will not be much you can do about it. (But trust me by then it will be over or maybe he will have moved to Burkina Faso!)

  4. Haha, you need to give your daughter a good slap and tell her that you are the boss and she will not be dating any 20+ year old.

  5. Where in the world are you seeing this 24 year old?

    Stop being in the situation where you see him.

  6. Oh, no! Talk to the guy!

  7. Distance them.....NOW!!!!!!!!!

  8. keep him away from her

  9. go to the police. this guy is obviously a pedophile if he is 24 and your daughter is only 12. he needs to be stopped before he 'grooms' your daughter into sleeping with him

  10. Call the police! Don't let him near her! Ask them to talk with him about his intentions. Chances are he is a molester!

  11. Tell him that if he doesn't stay away from your girl, you will report him to the police.  Tell your daughter that if she doesn't want this guy in trouble, she'll stay away from him till she is 18.

    If all else fails, tell her father (if he cares) to talk to the guy or to beat the c**p out of the pedophile, because that is what this man is chasing a 12 yr. old GIRL!!!

  12. Try to have her hardly around him. If he ever tries anything...tell his parents..even though he is grown up. He is probably a "bad guy".  I hope this helped.


  13. call the police, keep your daughter inside and take away the computer :)

  14. call the police if he tried anything. Keep her inside or make her participate in activities where she is surrounded by teens her age. Just ask yourself what does a 24year old want with a 12 year old?? a serious relationship? I think that she is still a child!

  15. I would be going out of my mind.  Is there a Grand Mother or Aunt she can go visit out of town for the summer?  If so send her there.  Then I would deal with him . Track that S.O.B. down with a big Man friend and have a talk with him,  threaten him with every inch of his life .  If that doesn't work you will have to wait till something happens because the cops won't do anything till something dose happened.  Good Luck try and keep your cool.

  16. Be direct... if you try to mess with my little girl you will go to jail. There is NO reason for a 24 year old to be dating a 12 year old. And, you also need to explain to your daughter the perverse concept of 24 year old wanting to see her. At 12, she'll think its 'cool' because she's getting attention from someone older, but just explain that once she's 18 she can choose to date whom she'd like. If she wants to date a 30 year old then, thats her choice, but until then, its not happening. And I would call the police if he picks her up without your knowledge or you find out they are sharing a secret relationship. Your daughter might be mad for a while, but you got to do whats best for her.

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