
I have $17 k to invest. How should i do it? CD's? I want to use the money in about 2 yrs to buy a house.

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I'm would like to put it away safely and not touch it but make the most money. What is the best way to invest this money?




  1. Go for it. You probably won't get a lot in terms of interest, but if you go to the banks, ask them what kind of CD's they have for 24 months. Of course the higher the better, the longer you put it in the higher the percentage. If you can get 2.75% for 24 months, that not too bad. You will fall behind the inflation, but you aren't going to lose $17,000.

    If you are okay with locking your money up for 2 years, go for it. Just shop around, don't forget to visit the credit unions. Some have better rates the banks.

  2. If you are in the UK I will advise you to put your money as deposit for a house and take a mortgage for an amount which the monthly instalment is within your reach. The housing market should be good in the UK in two years time. If you are in the US, put your money in the stock market to buy some good stock which are quite low now, The stock market there should put up there in one or two years time.

  3. Invest it by starting your business. It is better when you use it for your plans than someone use it for theirs. Brainstorm ideas, research what people wants and needs and offer your products/services. Good luck! :)

  4. First of all I agree with most responses here posted and personally believe that if you are new to the idea of investing and looking to enter you must start extremely conservative! There are various avenues you may persue thats doinging very well for most who decided to step into fix-income or defensive portfolios (alternative Ideas). Your money can be liquid along with a comfortable gain. ALong with being FDIC insured!!! I could point you in the right direction should you feel so compelled to learn more!!!

  5. Check and learn about laddering cd's.  Good luck.

  6. Not much of anything is paying good interest these days- except for stocks, and that's way too risky. A CD or a money market gives you the most flexibility. Keep an eye on the business section of the paper/internet. Sometimes banks want to attract customers and run special higher-interest deals. Anything between .5 and in the 2.0's is about average. Jump on anything better than that. If you can keep a CD for 2 years, you'll get a better interest rate.

  7. Dear megmcc,

             From your question I can tell you have neither financial experience nor  any clue as to investments.

              Bury the money in your mattress is your safest course. But of course it earns you no money and with inflation you will lose purchasing power....

             Put  the money in a bank or certificate of deposit and earn 2%-3% interest means that you will break even if inflation is only 2%-3%. With gasoline up 300% inflation is likely to be much, much higher regardless who are next president is.

             Invest in the stock market and the value of your stock may go down or go up faster than the rate of inflation and you might be closer to your goals.

               The rule in investing is the greater reward you seek, the greater risk you must take.

                I like the stock market at this moment for a few selected issues-

                Caterpiller- Farm prices going up like crazy around the world and this is the worlds #1 farm equipment manufacturer.

                 Noble Gas- Natural gas is clean burning and will enjoy increasing demand worldwide.

                  FirstSolar- Cutting edge technology in expanding solar field.


                   Read and learn before you make any decisions. Good Luck

  8. The best way to invest this money is to invest in someone's business. It's safer and more profitable than buying stocks.

    My grandmother is very conservative with investing. She puts all her money in the high yielding bank account at 12% apr paid monthly (1% every month) though I offered her many times to invest with me in business at 40% per year.

    I wish you success!

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